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()refers general logistics knowledge, materials, images, data and documentation

A.Logistics article

B.Logistics concept

C.Logistics information

D.Logistics documents

更多“()refers general logistics knowledge, materials, images, data and documentation”相关的问题


The term "general good"(Line 6, Paragraph 1)refers to______.A.efficient practicesB.ethical

The term "general good"(Line 6, Paragraph 1)refers to______.

A.efficient practices

B.ethical practices

C.common well-being

D.profitable decisions



()refers to the sense relation between a more general, more inclusive word and a mor







Which of the following terms refers to goods that are physically united with other goods in such a manner that the identity of the original goods is not lost?()


B.general intangibles





The general environment refers to everything inside the organization.()


()refers to the part of the grammar that is concerned with word formation and word s

A.General linguistics






听力原文:Culture means the general way of life of a people. This simple definition implies

听力原文: Culture means the general way of life of a people. This simple definition implies that culture refers to the customs, traditions, social habits, values, beliefs, language, ways of thinking and daily activities of a people. It also includes the history of civilization. In tile broad sense, there are two types of culture, that is, material culture and spiritual culture. Material culture is concrete and observable, while spiritual culture is implicit and abstract.

Because human language is a direct manifestation of culture, learning a second language involves learning a second culture. For the teacher of a second language, he or she should make sure to develop the students' awareness and knowledge of the culture of the target language they are learning. This includes understanding the values of the target culture, acquiring a command of the etiquette of the target culture and understanding the differences between the target culture and the students' own culture. As students progress through a foreign language program, it is expected that they will increase their awareness of the cultural characteristics of the speakers of the language under study. This broadened cultural knowledge may touch on all aspects of culture: the people's way of life as well as the geographic, historical, economic, artistic, and scientific aspects of the target society. We know that each culture has different etiquette patterns. And therefore, in a foreign language course, students should learn the appropriate etiquette patterns expected of the people living in the country where the target language is spoken. Students should also learn how to interpret unfamiliar cultural conventions and how to act appropriately when communicating with the persons of the foreign culture.


A.Artistic and economic.

B.Concrete and observable.

C.Scientific and historical.

D.Implicit and abstract.



听力原文:In a scientific context, the word "chaos" bas a slightly different meaning than i

听力原文: In a scientific context, the word "chaos" bas a slightly different meaning than it docs in its general usage as a state of confusion, lacking any order. Chaos, with reference to chaos theory, refers to an apparent lack of order in a system that nevertheless obeys particular laws or rules. The two main components of chaos theory are the ideas that systems—no matter how complex they may be—rely upon an underlying order, and that very simple or small systems and events can cause very complex behaviors or events.

The Earth's atmosphere is a chaotic system with regularly occurring weather phenomena like wind, cloud, rain, snow, fog and dust storms and less common events(natural disasters) like tornadoes, hurricanes and ice storms, so small changes to one part can have large effects elsewhere. This makes it very difficult to accurately predict weather changes more than a few days in advance, though weather forecasters are continually working to extend this limit through the scientific study of weather, Meteorology.

Chaos theory says that the slightest variation in the motion of the air will grow with time. This idea is sometimes called the butterfly effect, from the idea that the motions caused by the flapping wings of a butterfly eventually could produce marked changes in the state of the atmosphere. Because of this sensitivity to small changes it will never be possible to forecast perfectly, although there still is potential for vast improvement.


A.A state of confusion, lacking any order.

B.Chaos theory.

C.An apparent lack of order in a system.

D.Obeys particular laws or rules.



Each year Universum, a Swedish consulting firm asks American MBA students where they would
most like to work. The 2007 survey showed a few surprises in its top 50 companies named: Hewlett-Packard and Cisco Systems had fell, while old reliables such as General Electric, Coca-Cola and General Mills had jumped up the list. But the most-desired industry remains consulting, despite the beating it has taken since the end of the dotcom boom, and the top firm remains McKinsey. Perhaps the reason is: in recent years McKinsey has done as much as any company to provide MBA graduates with increasingly better and more profitable positions.

The reason for this was the firm's popularization of a concept known as "war for talent". It advocated finding the best and brightest and rewarding their innovations (创新) in proportion to "talent" instead of their performance or seniority (资格). But what is talent? And how does a company measure its employees' talent, especially when assigning them to new projects? The "war for talent" recommends a careful assessment of the inner skills and characteristics ready for success but gives few clues as to what those inner skirls might be, which might make the war standardless. For a company focused on quick growth, one shortcut could be young hires who had already been rewarded for their talent by receiving MBAs from well-respected schools. Thus as the idea of finding talented employees who could quickly learn the skills took off, so did the asking price of the star MBA graduates.

Unfortunately, now the "war for talent" seems less of a brilliant idea. The economic downturn, bringing with it less competition for the available talent, also did its part to control in indulgent (宽容的) employers.

Similarly, Professor Jeffrey Pfeifer emphasized that cultivating a talent means not just hiring the most effective performers, but being able to deal quickly and firmly with the least effective C performers. But he adds that the C refers not to the person but to the individual's performance in a given job. Some low-performing managers were A or B performers earlier in their careers—and may attain that level of performance again.

MBA programs will remain attractive recruiting areas, but the MBA model itself has come under increasing criticism. Prof. Pfeifer, in a 2007 article found little evidence that an MBA had much effect on future salary or career. Future MBA students might need to provide more evidence of their talent to impress potential employers.

According to the text, McKinsey is favored by American MBA students in that the company ______.

A.has a world wide reputation for high salary

B.is famous for its consulting business

C.makes very attractive job offers to MBA holders

D.successfully survived the burst of dotcom bubble



Woodblock prints are illustrations made from a carved block of wood and printed on paper. They were first

Woodblock prints are illustrations made from a carved block of wood and printed on paper. They were first used in Japan in 21_________ to illustrate book. When readers became more and more 22_________ in the illustrations for their artistic value, publishers hired skilled artists to create prints which could be sold separately. By the end of the 23_________ century, techniques were developed to produce many copies of a print from the same woodblock, making this fine art available to the general public.

The most famous Japanese woodblock prints were made during the 1700s and 1800s. The styles were unique to Japan. Scenes from everyday life or the theater, beautiful women, and landscapes were often the 24_________ of these prints. The Japanese name ukiyoe ,25_________ "pictures from the floating world," is used to describe the famous woodblock prints from this era: This refers 26_________ images of fleeting moments of pleasure, amusement, andentertainment 27_________ by the artists. Later, European artists, particularly painters of theFrench Impressionist School, admired and were influenced by the bold colors and 28_________ designs of these Japanese woodblock prints.

Making a woodblock print has three 29_________ stages:cutting, inking and printing. First the artist takes a block of soft wood, usually pine, and cuts away parts of the wood with a sharp too1. The design is the part of the wood that is left uncut and upraised. Next the design is coated with 30_________ , and a sheet of paper is placed over it , rubbing the paper then transfers the ink from the woodblock to the surface of the paper. For different colors, different blocks of wood are used, one for each color.

21.A.1960 B.the 1960 C.1960s D.the 1960s

22.A.interest B.interested C.interesting D.interests

23.A.seventeen B.seventeen's C.seventeenth D.seventeenths

24.A.subjects B.names C.pictures D.paper

25.A.mean B.means C.meant D.meaning

26.A.on B. to C. up D. for

27.A.found B.invented C.captured D.created

28.A.unusual B.usual C.ordinary D.common

29.A.big B.small C.minor D.major

30.A.ink B.paper C.plastic D.wood



In order to solve a computational problem, its solution must be specified in terms of asequence of computational steps, each of which may be performed by a human or a digital computer. If you want to

In order to solve a computational problem, its solution must be specified in terms of asequence of computational steps, each of which may be performed by a human or a digital computer. If you want to solve the computational problem with a computer, you shouldlearn how to program. The task of developing programs for the solution of computationalproblems is referred to as programming. Computer programming is the process of planningand creating a sequence of steps for a computer to follow. In general, this process will helpus resolve a problem, which is either too tedious or difficult to work out otherwise. Soprogramming is breaking a task down into small steps.

Programming is sometimes contrasted with coding. Coding generally refers to thewriting of programs for given program specification, while programming includes the task of preparing the program specification as well as that of writing the program. The text of aprogram is sometimes referred to as code, and lines of program text are referred to as lines ofcode, especially in the case of machine-language programs. The term coder is used todescribe a person engaged exclusively in implementing program specifications prepared byothers. What ' s actually involved in programming - the actual process of writing programs? Here' s a quick overview of the process:

• Write a program.

• Compile the program.

• Run the program.

• Debug the program.

• Repeat the whole process until the program is finished.

(三)、choosethe best answer according to the passage B. (根据上文的内容选择正确的答案。)

41. If you want to solve the computational problem with a computer, you should learnhow to___________

A. calculate

B. program

C. add

D. subtract

42. Computer programming is the process of planning and creating a sequence of

___________ for a computer to follow.

A. steps

B. process

C. lines

D. graphics

43. The term coder is used to describe___________

A. machine

B. computer

C. keyboard

D. person

44. In order to solve a computational problem, you can let a person or a ___________ to do it.

A. machine

B. computer

C. keyboard

D. mouse

45. Which of the following is not the stages of programming?

A. Write a program.

B. Debug the program.

C. Print the program.

D. Compile the program.



Different Kinds of Meetings Nowadays, there are thousands of international meetings held w

Different Kinds of Meetings

Nowadays, there are thousands of international meetings held worldwide every year. However, their names are different. They can be generally differentiated as follows.


Meeting is a general and summary term of various kinds of assembly of people for a particular purpose. Its original meaning is to "meet with each other" or to "put heads together." In this sense, if there are more than two persons coming together, talking and discussing, the event can be called a meeting. So we often say or hear "Let's have a meeting." Since the definition of meeting is rather extended and not clearly demarcated (划分界限), it can mean any kind of gathering, pre-arranged or non-arranged, formal or informal; the time can be long or short; the scale, large or small; the participants, many or a few, and so on. To specifically clarify a meeting, therefore, the names of meeting should be further demarcated.


Conference is a kind of formal meeting, often lasting for a few days. It is organized on a particular subject to bring together people who have a common interest. At a conference, formal discussions usually take place. Comparatively, conference generally refers to a specialized professional or academic event. We can say, for example, "Mr. Smith attended a conference on environmental protection in Beijing last week." People often use the term international conference to mean a meeting held at the international level, with the participants coming from different countries.


Symposium (pl. symposia/symposiums) is also a kind of meeting, but it refers exclusively to the meeting for specialized academic discussion. At a symposium, experts, scholars, and other participants of a particular field discuss a particular subject. Compared with conference, a symposium is usually narrower and more specific in the range of topics. For instance, we may say "They are going to participate in the Second International Symposium on Teaching English at Tertiary (高等教育的) Level in Hong Kong next May. The teaching of language skills, language learners' styles and strategies, new technology and methodology as well as other relevant issues will be discussed there." In terms of scale, a symposium may be smaller than a conference, because sometimes a conference may include several symposiums held simultaneously (as satellite symposiums). Some of this kind of meeting can be called "working conference". This, however, does not apply to symposium. Furthermore, some meetings held by the government for political consultation can be called "political conference" but not symposium.


The basic characteristic of a congress is that it is usually attended by representatives or delegates who belong to national or international, governmental or non-governmental organizations. It is held to discuss issues, ideas, and policies of public interest. And it is usually rather large in scale and generally representative and extensive. For example, "The Fourth World Congress on Women", which was sponsored by the United Nations, was held in Beijing in 1994, with over 20,000 representatives from countries all over the world.


Convention is a kind of routine meeting, at which a large gathering of people meet and discuss the business of their organization or political group, such as the annual convention of the union, the biannual(一年两次的)convention of the Metal Society. Usually it is regularly organized by a learned society, a professional association, an academic institution or a nongovernmental organization.


Forum is in fact a kind of public meeting, at which people exchange ideas and discuss issues, especially important public issues. For example, the 99 Forum on Asia Economies was held in Singapore; and a regular forum for the




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