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Economists make a distinction between an increase in supply and an increase in quanti

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为什么更为准确的经济预测使决策者更容易稳定经济?描述经济学家试图预测经济发展的两种方法。 Why would mo


Why would more accurate economic forecasting make it easier for policymakers to stabilize the economy? Describe two ways economists try to forecast developments in the economy.



听力原文:Many families in the United States have a larger income than ever before, but peo

听力原文: Many families in the United States have a larger income than ever before, but people are finding it difficult to make ends meet anyway. Almost everyone is wondering, "What happens to all my money? I never seem to have anything left to put away."

Why isn't a dollar worth as much as it used to be? One dollar is always worth the same amount, that is, 100 cents. But the value of a dollar is how much it can buy. The value of money depends on the cost of living. Economists say that the cost of living is the money that a family must pay for the necessities of life such as food, housing or rent, clothes, and medical expenses. For many years now, the cost of living has increased greatly, so the value of the dollar has decreased. When a dollar has a low value, you can't buy as many things with it.

No one fully understands why the cost of living keeps increasing, but economists believe that workers and producers can make the prices go up. As workers earn more money, they have more money to spend, so they demand more goods. If there is a great demand for certain goods, the prices of these goods go up. At the same time, if there's shortage of goods, the prices also go up. For example, if everyone wants to buy more and more gas, the price of gas goes up. When companies withhold gas from buyers, they can also make the price of gas go up.

Families need to know what happens to their money. They need to make their income meet the cost of living. So many people plan a family budget. A budget is a list of monthly expenses. If your expenses add up to more than your income, you must find ways to save money. Maybe you're spending too much on entertainment. Or if you're spending too much on clothes, you may want to sew your own clothes. Budgeting helps you spend your money wisely as the cost of living increases.


A.A larger income often results in a lower living standard.

B.No more money is left over in spite of a larger income.

C.To put away some money has become a necessity.

D.They don't know where their money has gone.



Part BRead the following material and write a short essay of about 150 words under the tit

Part B

Read the following material and write a short essay of about 150 words under the title "Should Men Be Forced by Law to Do Half the Housework?"

The Austrian parliament will shortly be considering a draft law designed to compensate women after a divorce if their former husbands never helped them with the housework.

Last week the German Green Party went even further, demanding a new law to make couples share the chores fifty-fifty if both partners were at work. The German paper Bild said a third of German women did all the housework on their own.

Academics here in Britain talked of reversing what they called the "Allerednic effect" — that's "Cinderella" backwards—in which a prince marries a princess and turns her into a scullery-maid.

So is it time for men to clean up their act? Or should the lawmakers leave it all well alone?

Joining Laurence Zavriew for the Europewide debate are from Rome the Italian journalist Carlo di Blasio, and in the Netherlands Kerstin Schweighoefer, correspondent of the German newsmagazine focus.



Economists often disagree on ____________ (美国经济是否复苏).

Economists often disagree on ____________ (美国经济是否复苏).



Many economists pointed out the fatal error for this crisis.A.crucialB.puzzlingC.attracti

Many economists pointed out the fatal error for this crisis.







The economists predicted an increase in the rate of inflation.(英译汉)
The economists predicted an increase in the rate of inflation.(英译汉)



According to the economists, who is actually responsible for the jump in food prices?A.Far

According to the economists, who is actually responsible for the jump in food prices?




D.The owners of stores.



听力原文:W: Good morning, Tom! How are you?M: Not bad! What about you?W: Fine. Tom, you di

听力原文:W: Good morning, Tom! How are you?

M: Not bad! What about you?

W: Fine. Tom, you didn’t show up yesterday evening, did you?

M: I am sorry I didn’t. I had planned to go to your party, but was caught up by a program about Oprah Winfrey. I simply could not help sticking to the television until it was too late for your party.

W: Oprah Winfrey?

M: Yes. She is a US talk show hostess, and the queen of all talk! Come on, haven’t you ever heard of her?

W: Oh, I remember. She is enormously influential, and it is said that her influence extends far beyond the media! She must have a distinguished family background, don’t you think so?

M: No. on the contrary, her birth place was actually notorious for its poverty. But as she applied herself to study and work, she later became America’s first African-American news anchor.

W: She is really great! Then, have you watched her talk show for a long time?

M: Of course! She is frank and genuine. She never spreads gossip or scandal!

W: That would certainly make a difference among all the trash TV we have today!

M: You bet! That program I watched last night will be shown again this afternoon.

W: Really! I will make sure not to miss it! Bye for now!

M: See you later!


A.Because he didn't want to go to the woman's party.

B.Because he was deeply attracted by a program about Oprah Winfrey.

C.Because he participated in Oprah Winfrey's program.

D.Because he forgot about the woman's party.



A.It lies in the economists' attitudes to population.B.It lies in the level of educati

A.It lies in the economists' attitudes to population.

B.It lies in the level of education.

C.It lies in the official attitudes to population growth.

D.It lies in the level of civilization.



The text indicates that ______.A.we are lack of food innovationsB.many economists are wron

The text indicates that ______.

A.we are lack of food innovations

B.many economists are wrong in investigating the economics of technological innovations

C.profit-oriented business people believe that innovation can increase their incomes

D.we cannot disregard the effects of culture in guiding technical change



The passage is mainly about ______.A.the contradiction between economists and the business

The passage is mainly about ______.

A.the contradiction between economists and the business community

B.the present debate on economic growth

C.the advantages and disadvantages of economic growth

D.the importance of the debate on economic growth

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