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Her husband died in 1967, although she () that he was still alive.





更多“Her husband died in 1967, although she () that he was still alive.”相关的问题


When her husband died, she received $50,000 in ().







When her husband died, all her happiness_______

A、was destroyed


C、had damaged




Tisha's husband died in 2015.She has not remarried and maintains a home for herself and her dependent son.What is Tisha's filing status for 2018?()


B.Head of household

C.Married, filing separately

D.Surviving spouse



Mrs. Keller had a big family. Her husband had a factory in the town. One of her sons was a
lawyer and the other two were drivers. And her two daughters worked in the post office. The old woman stayed at home and could do all housework and wouldn't employ any body.

One evening, the telephone rang while the old woman was preparing supper. She went to answer it. She was told that one of her sons died in a traffic accident- She heard this and fell in a faint (晕倒). When she came back to life, she was in hospital. And she needed to be helped after that.

Several months later she was told on the telephone her daughter died while she was being operated on. The old woman was so sad that she had to be in hospital again. From then on she was afraid to answer any telephones and sometimes she was afraid to hear the bell. Of course it brought them some trouble and some important business was held up(耽误). So her husband advised her to see a psychiatrist(精神病医生). The man examined her carefully and then asked her some questions.

"You'll soon be all right if you follow my advice, Mrs. Keller, "said the psychiatrist.

The old woman took the medicine the doctor gave on time and tried to forget her dead son and daughter. And two months later she went to see the psychiatrist again.

"You've saved me, Doctor, "the old woman said, as soon as she saw him,

"Are you afraid to answer the telephones now?"

"No," answered Mrs. Keller. "I dare(敢)answer it whether it rings or not!"

Mrs. Keller could do all housework because ______.

A.she had no money to employ a helper

B.she was strong enough to do all at home

C.she-didn't believe anybody

D.only she was free at home



The story tells us a lady whose husband had died suffered loneliness.A.YB.NC.NG

The story tells us a lady whose husband had died suffered loneliness.






听力原文:Ann Richards was a famous Democratic Party politician from the southern state of

听力原文: Ann Richards was a famous Democratic Party politician from the southern state of Texas.She served as the governor of Texas for four years.Richards was known for he big white hair,big smile,and sharply funny comments.She was also known for forming what she called a"New Texas"during her time as governor.She created a government in which women,Hispanics,and African-Americans played important roles.Ann Richards did not always have a career in public service.As a young woman,she worked as a teacher and raised four children.She and her husband were very involved in local politics.Richards began working hard to help Democratic Party candidates win seats in the Texas legislature.Then one day.she decided to run for office herself-and she won.She served first as country commissioner,then as Texas state treasurer.In 1990 she was elected governor.She fought for equal rights,environmental protection and laws to restrict guns.After losing a second term as governor to George W.Bush.Richards worked in public relations.She died this September at the age of seventy-three.At her funeral service,leaders from around the country gathered to celebrate her life. Former President Bill Clinton spoke at the service.He said Ann Richards helped create a world where young girls could be scientists,engineers and police officers.He said she was a great woman with a big heart and big dreams.

What does the speaker say about Ann Richards?

A.She was famous for her sharply funny comments.

B.She served as the governor of Texas for 2 years.

C.She helped black people to get their rights.

D.She worked as a teacher of four students.



根据以下材料,回答题Brain-dead Mother Dies after Giving BirthA brain-dead woman who was kep


Brain-dead Mother Dies after Giving Birth

A brain-dead woman who was kept alive for three months so she could deliver the child she was carrying was removed from life support on Wednesday and died, a day after giving birth.

"This is obviously a bittersweet time for our family," Justin Torres, the woman"s brother-in-law, said in a statement.

Susan Tortes, a cancer-stricken, 26-year-old researcher at the National Institutes of Health, suffered a stroke in May after the melanoma (黑瘤 ) spread to her brain.

Her family decided to keep her alive to give her foetus (胎儿) a chance. It became a race between the foetus" development and the cancer that was destroying the woman"s body.

Doctors said that Torres" health was getting worse and that the risk of harm to the foetus finally outweighed the benefits of extending the pregnancy.

Torres gave birth to a daughter by Caesarean section (剖腹产手术) on Tuesday at Virginia Hospital Center. The baby was two months premature and weighed about a kilogram. She was in the newborn intensive care unit.

Dr Donna Tilden-Archer, the hospital"s director of neonatology (新生儿学) , described the child as "very vigorous." She said the baby had responded when she received stimulation,indicating she was healthy.

Doctors removed Torres from life support early Wednesday with the consent of her husband,Jason Tortes, after she received the final sacrament (圣礼) of the Roman Catholic Church.

"We thank all of those who prayed and provided support for Susan, the baby and our family,"Jason Torres said in a statement. "We especially thank God for giving us little Susan. My wife"s courage will never be forgotten."

English-language medical literature contains at least 11 cases since 1979 of irreversibly brain-damaged women whose lives were prolonged for the benefit of the developing foetus,according to the University of Connecticut Health Center.

Dr Christopher McManus, who coordinated care l"or Susan Torres, put the infant"s chances of developing cancer at less than 25 per cent. He said 19 women who have had the same aggressive form. of melanoma as Tortes have given birth, and five of their babies became ill with the disease.

Susan Torres died soon after__________. 查看材料

A.she suffered a stroke

B.she became brain-dead

C.she was diagnosed with cancer

D.she gave birth to a baby



Mrs. Cook was born in a shopkeeper's family. Her father had several shops in the city and
most of his friends are important persons. The man liked his daughter very much and often took her to the parties. He tried his best to satisfy her with everything and she wasn't afraid of anybody.

She married Mr. Cook, a famous actor, when she was twenty-two. Her father gave her all and she does no housework at home. She often does everything she wants and makes all the family listen to her. She had a few servants, but none of them can wait on her. Neither the servants nor her husband likes her.

Last week she employed a new servant called Betty. The girl had studied in a middle school before her father died in an accident. The girl is kind and clever. She had read a lot by then and now she knows much. She had been told about the woman before she came here. She's sure she can deal with (对付) the woman.

The woman liked the strong and tall girl as soon as she saw her. "Remember,Betty,"said she. "You must be honest and obedient. Do you understand me!"

"Yes,Mrs. Cook, "said the girl. "But what should I do if you let me tell the visitor that you aren't in?"

The man tried his best to satisfy his daughter with everything because ______ .

A.he was very rich

B.he liked his daughter very much

C.She knew plenty of important persons

D.She wasn't afraid of anybody



Coretta Scott KingCoretta Scott King, the widow of civil rights, activist Martin Luther Ki

Coretta Scott King

Coretta Scott King, the widow of civil rights, activist Martin Luther King Jr. , has died. She was 78. Mrs. Bagley said her body would be returned to her home, Atlanta, for entombment next to her husband, whose crypt is at the Martin Luther King Jr. Center there. Mrs. King had been in falling health since suffering a stroke and heart attack last August. She appeared at a Martin Luther King Day dinner on Jan. 14, but did not speak. Andrew Young, the former United Nations ambassador and longtime family friend, said at a news conference this morning that Mrs. King died in her sleep. "She was a woman born to struggle," Mr. Young said, "and she has struggled and she has overcome."

Mrs. King rose from rural poverty in Heiberger, Ala. , to become an international symbol of the civil rights revolution of the 1960's and a fireless advocate for social and political issues ranging from women's rights to the struggle against apartheid in South Africa that followed in its wake. She was studying music at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston in 1952 when she met a young graduate student in philosophy, who on their first date told her: "The four things that I look for in a wife are character, personality, intelligence and beauty. And you have them all." A year later, she and Dr. King, then a young minister from a prominent Atlanta family, were married, beginning a remarkable partnership that ended with his assassination in Memphis on April 4,1968. Mrs. King did not hesitate to pick up his mantle, marching, even before her husband was buried, at the head of the striking garbage workers that he had gone to Memphis to champion. She then went on to lead the effort for a national holiday in his honor and to found the Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Non-Violent Social Change in Atlanta, dedicated both to scholarship and to activism, where Dr. King is buried.

Coretta Scott was born on April 27, 1927, the second of three children born to Obadiah and Bernice Scott. She grew up in the two-room house her father built on land that had been owned by the family for three generations. From the start there was nothing predictable about her life. The family was poor, and she grew up picking cotton in the hot fields of the segregated South or doing housework. But Mr. Scott hauled timber, owned a country store and worked as a barber. His wife drove a school bus, and the whole family helped raise hogs, cows, chickens and vegetables. So by the standards of blacks in Alabama at the time, the family had both resources and ambitions out of the reach of most others. Some of Coretta Scott's earliest insights into the injustice of segregation came as she walked to her one-room school house each day, watching buses full of white children stir up dust as they passed. She got her first sense of the world beyond rural Alabama when she attended the Lincoln School, a private missionary institution in nearby Marion, where she studied piano and voice and had her first encounters with college-educated teachers and where she resolved to flee to a world far beyond rural, segregated Alabama.

She graduated first in her high school class of 17 in 1945 and then began attending Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio, where two years earlier her older sister, Edythe, had been the first black to enroll. She studied education and music and after graduation went on to the New England Conservatory of Music, hoping to become a classical singer and working as a mail order clerk and cleaning houses to augment the fellowship that barely paid her tuition.

Her first encounter with the man who would become her husband did not begin auspiciously, as recounted in "Parting the Waters" by Taylor Branch. Dr. King, very much in the market for a wife, called her after getting her name from a friend and announced: "You know every Napoleon has his Waterloo," he said. "I'm like Napoleon. I'm at my Wa






A.She cared much for her husband's gaining weight.B.She is concerned about her husband

A.She cared much for her husband's gaining weight.

B.She is concerned about her husband's health.

C.She is afraid her husband will become a fitness freak.

D.She is worried her husband will spend too much time away from home.



A.She is ill.B.She is too old.C.Her husband wants her to.D.Her husband is ill.

A.She is ill.

B.She is too old.

C.Her husband wants her to.

D.Her husband is ill.

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