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The story tells us a lady whose husband had died suffered loneliness.A.YB.NC.NG

The story tells us a lady whose husband had died suffered loneliness.




更多“The story tells us a lady whose husband had died suffered loneliness.A.YB.NC.NG”相关的问题


The story about the pilot tells us that ______.A.man knows where the society is goingB.peo

The story about the pilot tells us that ______.

A.man knows where the society is going

B.people don't welcome the rapid development of modern society

C.man can do little about the problem of pollution

D.the author is worried about the future of our society



The story about the pilot tells us that ________.[A] man knows where the society is

The story about the pilot tells us that ________.

[A] man knows where the society is going

[B] people don’t welcome the rapid development of modern society

[C] man can do little about the problem of pollution

[D] the speaker is worried about the future of our society



听力原文:Everywhere we look,we see Americans running. They run for every reason anybody co

听力原文: Everywhere we look,we see Americans running. They run for every reason anybody could think of. They run for health,for beauty,to lose weight,to keep fit,and because it is the thing they love to do. Every year, for example,thousands of people run in one race,the Boston Marathon,the best known long distance race in the United States. In recent years there have been nearly 5,000 official competitors and it takes three whole minutes for the crowd of runners just to cross the starting line.

You may have heard the story of the Greek runner,Pheidippides. He ran from Marathon to Athens to deliver the news of the great victory 2,500 years ago. No one knows how long it took him to run the distance. But the story tells us that he died of the effort. Today no one will die in a Marathon race. But at the finish line,we see what this race is about;not being first,hut finishing. The real victory is not over one's fellow runners,but over one's own body. It is a victory of will power over fatigue. In the Boston Marathon,each person who crosses that finish line is a winner.


A.Three minutes.

B.Two minutes.

C.One minute.

D.Five minutes.



听力原文:Everywhere we look, we see Americans running. They run for every reason anybody c

听力原文: Everywhere we look, we see Americans running. They run for every reason anybody could think of. They run for health, for beauty, to lose weight, to feel fit, and because it is the thing they love to do. Every year, for example, thousands of people run in one race, the Boston Marathon, the best known long distance race in the United States. In recent years there have been nearly 5,000 official competitors and it takes three whole minutes for the crowd of runners just to cross the starting line.

You may have heard the story of the Greek runner, Pheidippides. He ran from Marathon to Athens to deliver the news of the great victory 2,500 years ago. No one knows how long it took him to run the distance. But the story tells us that he died of the effort. Today in very few cases will one die in a Marathon race. But at the finish line, we see what this race is about; not being first, but finishing. The real victory is not over one's fellow runners, but over one's own body. It is a victory of will-power over fatigue. In the Boston Marathon, each person who crosses that finish line is a winner.


A.Three minutes.

B.Two Minutes.

C.One minutes.

D.Five minutes.



听力原文:Everywhere we look, we see an American running. They run for every reason anybody

听力原文: Everywhere we look, we see an American running. They run for every reason anybody could think of. They nm for health, for beauty, to lose weight, to feel fit and because it's the thing they love to do. Every year, for example, thousands upon thousands of people nm in one race, the Boston Marathon, the best known long distance race in the United States. In recent years, there have been nearly five thousand official competitors, and it takes three whole minutes for the crowd of runners just to cross the starting line. You may have heard file story of the great runner Pheidippides. He ran from Marathon to Athens to deliver the news of the great victory 2500 years ago. No one knows how long it took him to nm the distance. But the story tells us that he died of the effort. Today, no one will die in a Marathon race. But the effort is still enormous. Someone does come in first in this tiring foot race. But at the finishing line, we see what this race is about: not being first, but finishing. The real victory is net over one's fellow runners, but over one's own body. It's a victory of will power over fatigue. In the Boston Marathon, each person who crosses that finish line is a winner.


A.The victory over one's fellow runners.

B.The victory over former winners.

C.The victory of will-power over fatigue.

D.The victory of one's physical strength.



Who Moved My Cheese tells a very simple story but it contains some messages.A.YB.NC.NG

Who Moved My Cheese tells a very simple story but it contains some messages.






The book tells ______ life story of John Smith, who left ______ school and worked for a newspaper at
the age of 16.

A) the, the B) a, the C) the, / D) a, /



What can you learn from the passage?A.The by-line tells when the story happened.B.The head

What can you learn from the passage?

A.The by-line tells when the story happened.

B.The headline tells what the story is about.

C.Newspaper reports stories only.

D.All news stories have datelines.



Which poem tells a story similar to Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet!A.IsabellaB.The Eve of

Which poem tells a story similar to Shakespeare s Romeo and Juliet!


B.The Eve of St. Agnes


D.All for Love



What is the main idea of the story?A.The story is about how Pete spent a wonderful Christm

What is the main idea of the story?

A.The story is about how Pete spent a wonderful Christmas with a little girl.

B.The story is about a wonderful present that awakened in Pete a new love for others.

C.The story tells about the love between Pete and Jean Grace's sister.

D.The story tells about how sorrowful Pete was since he lost his girlfriend.

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