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I’ll never forget the day _______ we spent together in the country.

A.on which

B.in which



更多“I’ll never forget the day _______ we spent together in the country.”相关的问题


I'll never forget ______ (see)the musical comedy in New York.

I'll never forget ______ (see)the musical comedy in New York.



I’ll never forget in Sydney last year. (10

I’ll never forget in Sydney last year.

(10 分)


A. me to meet a few friends


B. my meeting a few friends

CC. a few friends to meet
DD. a few friends meeting



听力原文:M: Have you seen my glasses? I can't find them anywhere.W: Go in the bathroom and

听力原文:M: Have you seen my glasses? I can't find them anywhere.

W: Go in the bathroom and look in the mirror.

M: You mean I've got them on. How about that?

W: You are the most absent-minded person I have ever known.

M: I can't deny it. I'd lose my head if it wasn't attached to my shoulders.

W: I'll never forget the time you went fishing and forgot to take you rod and reel.

M: I won't forget it either but that's not the most memorable example of my forgetfulness.

W: How about the time you started to leave without having any pants on?

M: No, that's not it.

W: I'm tired of guessing, tell me.

M: You never would have guessed. I don't believe I've ever told you about it though you were indirectly affected by the incident. I almost married my college sweetheart.

W: You are right. You have never told me about her.

M: Well, anyway, the day we were supposed to get married was such a beautiful day that I forgot all about the wedding and went fishing instead. The girl never forgave me.


A.On his face.

B.The woman had them.

C.In the bathroom.

D.Above the mirror.



I was really upset by this kind of treatment we received there and I ’ll never set f
oot in th place again.








On the evening of 29th June,a day I shall never forget we landed at Durban.


I will never forget the day ________ I joined the army.







听力原文:M: Hi, Cathy! I heard that you've been to London on business for several times, I
have never been there before, so I really need to ask you a few questions.

W: Sure, my pleasure.

M: Where do you recommend I should stay? What's the Holiday Inn like?

W: It's nice there. It's in the city center and has all the usual business facilities you'll need. The service is first class.

M: Oh, good. So I'll get a room there. Now, what's the best way to get to the hotel from the airport? Should I take a taxi?

W: Well, you can, but you don't have to. There's an excellent subway system.

M: Mmm... can you tell me something about the business hours? I mean, what time are the banks open?

W: The banks? They open at half past eight and close at four thirty.

M: I see. And are they open on Saturday, too?

W: I'm afraid not. And I'd better warn you, the shops close very early in London. During the week they're open until half past six, but on weekends they close at four.

M: At four! Right. Now, what's the weather like at this time of year?

W: Well, it's usually warm. But sometimes it turns very cold and wet. So don't forget to take an umbrella with you! By the way, when are you going on this trip?

M: Oh, not until the middle of the month. September 15th, I think. Anything else you want to advise me on?

W: No, nothing I can think of. It's a nice place, peaceful and calm, and the people are friendly. I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay there.


A.He is going to spend a holiday in London.

B.He is going to have a business trip in London.

C.He will go to London with the woman.

D.He is going to move to London.



I will never _____ Chomsky for doing such a silly thing.







In the course of my schooling. I will never forget ____________(所遇到的大困难)in learning

In the course of my schooling. I will never forget ____________(所遇到的大困难)in learning English.



听力原文:Many university students dislike studying history because there is little to get
excited about when historical events are presented in a boring manner. However, I'll never forget my American History professor, Dr. Williamson. Each event leaped from the pages of our text and became as real as the daily news report on the radio.

My favorite lecture concerned the American Revolution. Dr. Williamson set the mood for the study by imitating Paul Revere, a well-known silversmith, working in his shop. The American colonists were angry because of the British control over their lives. Revere felt that war between the British and the colonists was inevitable. Then, Dr. Williamson told us about Revere rowing across. the Charles River from Boston on April 18, 1775. I can see the professor now as he raised his hand to his forehead as if he were looking across the Charles River to the Old North Church in Boston. Suddenly, Revere spotted two lanterns, a signal which meant that the British would attack by sea. He jumped on his horse to warn the villagers of the attack. Professor Williamson reminded us that the first battles of the American Revolution were fought at Concord and at Lexington, Massachusetts, the year before the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776.

Never before had history seemed so alive to me. And all because a professor cared enough to put his heart into his teaching.


A.Because history professors are poorly prepared.

B.Because most students are lazy.

C.Because history lectures are not delivered in an interesting way.

D.Because most students feel studying history is a waste of time.



听力原文:Frozen forever in time are memories of wire rimmed glasses and a grey sweater tha

听力原文: Frozen forever in time are memories of wire rimmed glasses and a grey sweater that almost always had chocolate covered raisins in the left pocket. Grandpapa always read to me. I'd sit beside him and listen.

When Grandpapa got old and couldn't see well enough to read anymore, I read to him. I'd read until his eyes closed and he started to fall asleep.

As I quietly got up, Grandpapa would reach into the pocket of his grey sweater and pull out a box of chocolate covered raisins, pressing them into my teenaged hand. Eyes still closed, he would whisper "I remembered".

Grandpapa always said things like: "You scratch my back an' I'll scratch yours," and "Share, little one. Sharing makes everything better." Somehow, everything always was better.

I'll never forget the call from the hospital. Grandpapa had suffered a heart attack. My Mother was so upset, crying so many tears. It was snowing that night, great big fluffy snowflakes falling through the glow of the streetlight.

It's snowing this morning, big fluffy snowflakes falling through the glow of the streetlight. I sit and watch the snowflakes fall, thinking about Grandpapa with love in my heart and a cup of coffee in my hands. I will always remember his wise words, "Sharing makes everything better." The need to reach out to another human being is instinctive, and as necessary as the air that we breathe.

It is my sincere hope that you will want to share something of yourself. A kind word to a stranger perhaps, or a compliment to someone that deserves one. It is these small acts of sharing, and caring, that make this world a better place.


A.Chocolate covered raisins.

B.Chocolate covered peanuts.

C.A banana.

D.An apple.

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