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Five years have passed but the consequence of the research is still in doubt.A.outcomeB.j

Five years have passed but the consequence of the research is still in doubt.





更多“Five years have passed but the consequence of the research is still in doubt.A.outcomeB.j”相关的问题


听力原文: Men and women in the United States who want to become doctors usually attend fou
r years of college or university; next they study for four years in a medical school. After that they work in hospitals as medical residents or doctors in training for one to five years. Some people Study and work for as many as 13 years before they begin their lives as doctors.

During their university years, people who want to become doctors study science intensively. They must study biology, chemistry and other sciences. If they do not, they may have to return to college for more education in science before trying to enter medical school.

There are 125 medical schools in the United States. It is difficult to gain entrance to them. Those who do the best in their studies have a greater chance of entering medical school. Each student also must pass a national examination to enter a medical school. Those who get top scores have the best chance of being accepted. Most people who want to study medicine seek to enter a number of medical schools. This increases their chances of being accepted by one. In 1998, almost 47,000 people competed for about 17,000 openings in medical schools.


A.4 years.

B.5 years.

C.8 years.

D.At least 9 years.



听力原文:Men and women in the United States who want to become doctors usually attend four

听力原文: Men and women in the United States who want to become doctors usually attend four years of college or university; next they study for four years in a medical school. After that they work in hospitals as medical residents or doctors in training for one to five years. Some people study and work for as many as 13 years before they begin their lives as doctors.

During their university years, people who want to become doctors study science intensively. They must study biology, chemistry and other sciences. If they do not, they may have to return to college for more education in science before trying to enter medical school.

T here are 125 medical schools in the United States. It is difficult to gain entrance to them. Those who do the best in their studies have a greater chance of entering medical school. Each student also must pass a national examination to enter a medical school. Those who get top scores have the best chance of being accepted. Most people who want to study medicine seek to enter a number of medical schools. This increases their chances of being accepted by one. In 1999, almost 47,000 people competed for about 17,000 openings in medical schools.


A.4 years.

B.5 years.

C.8 years.

D.At least 9 years.



听力原文: Some students at the Open University left school 20 years ago. Others are younge
r but all must be at least 21 years old. This is one example of how the Open University is different from all other universities. Its students must either work full-time or be at home all day, for instance, mothers of families. They do not have to pass any examinations before they are accepted as students. This is why the university is called open. The university was started in order to help a known group of people who missed having a university education when they were young.

The first name for the Open University was The University of the Air. The idea was to teach on the air, in other words, on radio and television. Most of the teaching is done like this. Radio and television have brought the classroom into people's homes. But this, on its own, is not enough for a university education. The Open University student also receives advice at one of 283 study centers in the country; 36 weeks of the year, he has to send written work to a tutor, the person who guides him. He must also spend three weeks every summer as a full-time Student. Tutors and students meet and study together, as in other universities. At the end of the Open University's first year, the results were good. Three out of every four students passed their examinations. If they do this every year, they will finish their studies in four or five years.


A.Because it isn't closed.

B.Because the students have to pass all examinations before entering it.

C.Because there is no examination before they are accepted as students.

D.Because its door is open.



听力原文:Some students at the Open University left school 20 years ago. Others are younger

听力原文: Some students at the Open University left school 20 years ago. Others are younger but all must be at least 21 years old. This is one example of how the Open University is different from all other universities. Its students must either work full-time or be at home all day, for instance, mothers of families. They do not have to pass any examinations before they are accepted as students. This is why the university is called "open". The university was started in order to help a known group-people who missed having a university education when they were young.

The first name for the Open University was "The University of the Air". The idea was to teach "on the air", in other words, on radio and television. Most of the teaching is done like this. Radio and television have brought the classroom into people's homes. But this, on its own, is not enough for a university education. The Open University student also receives advice at one of 283 study centers in the country. 36 weeks of the year he has to send written work to a "tutor", the person who guides his studies. He must also spend 3 weeks every summer as a full-time student. Tutors and students meet and study together, as in other universities. At the end of the Open University's first year, the results were good. Three out of every 4 students passed their examinations. If they do this every year, they will finish their studies in four or five years.


A.Because the students have to pass all examinations before entering it.

B.Because there is no examination before they are accepted as students.

C.Because there is no gate.

D.Because it never closes.



听力原文:M: What do you think you'll be doing in five years' time, Carrie?W: I definitely

听力原文:M: What do you think you'll be doing in five years' time, Carrie?

W: I definitely won't be working as a car park attendant. I want to become an opera singer.

I hope I'll be living in Milan. What about you, Frank ?

M: Unless I pass my exams, I'll probably serve rude customers in the restaurant.

W: Come on. Don't be so sad. Cheer up, Frank.

Why is Frank so sad about his future planning?

A.Because he wants to be a singer but he cannot.

B.Because he won't be able to live in Milan.

C.Because he is afraid that he cannot pass the examination.



The last five years have seen a(n) ______ improvement in the country's economy.A.relevantB

The last five years have seen a(n) ______ improvement in the country's economy.







The local health organization is ______ to have been set up twenty five years ago when Dr.
Audon became its first president.







By saying “...but the impact of a degree washes out after five years” (Line 3, Para
, 3), the author means ________.

A.most MBA programs fail to provide students with a solid foundation

B.an MBA degree does not help promotion to managerial positions

C.MBA programs will not be as popular in five years’ time as they are now

D.in five people will forget about the degree the MBA graduates have got



More than five million children have gotten health insurance in the last 4 years, a
nd _________________ (超过三百万的家庭已经摆脱贫困).



听力原文:W: Alex is an English teacher in Iran and today we'd like to share his experience
as a teacher. So welcome Alex. How do you enjoy teaching English as a foreign language?

M: (23) I like teaching students how to speak. And I really enjoy seeing them learn and improve. I've been teaching for five years now, and I've got good experience from my classes. I teach in institutes and also university and they're a bit different because people who come to institutes (24) are highly motivated because they come with their own legs, as they say, as we say, and they're quite interested. They try to be active. But the students at university, because they have to pass some courses, they might not be interested enough most of the time.

W: Well, you say that recently you've been trying to be a creative teacher, to stimulate students. So tell me about that.

M: Well, most of the time I try to make them motivated by just making the class more fun and interesting.

W: What do you find is the hardest part of being a teacher?

M: Well, the hardest part is (25) that a teacher has to forget everything in his life before going to a class.

W: What do you mean by that?

M: You see, if you are sad, if you have a lot of ups and downs in your life, when you enter a class, you have to be a teacher full of energy, very happy. You have to forget about all your problems. If you just take your problems to the class, you won't be a good teacher.


A.He can share his experience with the others.

B.He can learn the knowledge from it.

C.He can make the classes more creative.

D.He enjoys seeing the improvement of the students.

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