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听力原文:W: Look, it says they want a junior sales manager and it seems like it's a big co

mpany. That'll be good for you to travel a lot.

M: Do they say anything about the experience?

What are they talking about?

A.A job opportunity.

B.A position as general manager.

C.A big travel agency.

D.An inexperienced salesman.

更多“听力原文:W: Look, it says they want a junior sales manager and it seems like it's a big co”相关的问题


听力原文:W: Look, it says they want a senior sales manager, and it seems that it is a big

M: That's great! For you might have to travel a lot. Do they say anything about experience?

Q: What are they talking about?


A.A big travel agency.

B.An experienced salesman.

C.A job opportunity.

D.A general sales manager.



听力原文:M: I bought this fish to cook for my dinner tonight, but it doesn't look all that
fresh to me now. Would you say it's still all right to eat?

W: Let's take a look... Oh, if I were you, I wouldn't even think of it.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She forgot to stop at the store.

B.The man shouldn't eat the fish.

C.The fish is safe to eat.

D.The food shouldn't be reheated.



听力原文:W: Why are there so many strikes in England? You haven't got such problem yoursel
f here, but lots of factories have. What do you think is the reason?

M: Well, er...I wouldn't say a lot of factories. I would say a few large factories mainly in the automobile industry...where the work is of a very boring condition, and I think most workers who go on strike look upon it as a...a change from the daily routine.

Q: What does the man suggest as a reason for strikes in the automobile industry?


A.The workers want to change their jobs.

B.The work there is dull.

C.The work there is much too demanding.

D.The workers there are strike-prone.



听力原文:M: It looks like we are going to have a shower at any minute now.W: I think so to

听力原文:M: It looks like we are going to have a shower at any minute now.

W: I think so too. Isn' t it strange how you cart sense it.

M: I know what you mean.

W: Look at the clouds in the sky. Whenever they seem dark and law like this, you know it' s going to rain. Or look at an object that' s far away. If it seems clear to you, it probably going to pour.

M: Yes, and every thing seems to have a stronger smell to me then.

W: I know, and people often say it' s going to rain when they have aches and pains in certain parts of their body.

M: mother always complains that her knee hurts just before a storm.

M: And have you ever noticed how the animals act before a storm?

W: Sure. Horses and cows always seem to go to a protective area and huddle together.

M: Yeah, but with always the sensible things, how come we aren't carrying an umbrella with us now.

What is the main topic of the conversation?

A.How to treat minor aches and pains.

B.How to sharpen the senses.

C.How to predict the weather.

D.How to select a good umbrella.



听力原文:M: Excuse me, Ms. Sherwin, could I speak to you for a few minutes?W: Well, please

听力原文:M: Excuse me, Ms. Sherwin, could I speak to you for a few minutes?

W: Well, please sit down.

M: Thank you. Uh..., it's about my wife.

W: Yes, go on.

M: She's ill and has to go to hospital tomorrow. But we have a young baby, you know.

W: Yes, Jerry. Is it anything serious?

M: The doctors say it's just a minor operation. But it has to be done as soon as possible. And...the problem is my daughter.

W: In what way, Jerry?

M: Well, my wife will be in hospital for several days, so there's nobody to look after my daughter. That's why I'd like to have a few days off. From tomorrow.

W: I see. You need a few days off to look after your daughter while your wife is in hospital.

M: Yes, will that be all right?

W: I'm sure it will, Jerry. All I want to do now is to make sure that there's someone to cover for you while you're away. Uh...how long did you say you'll need?

M: Just a few days. My wife should be out of hospital by next Thursday, so I can be back on Friday.

W: Well, perhaps you'd better stay at home on Friday, as well. Just to give your wife a few extra days to rest after the operation.

M: That's very kind of you, Ms. Sherwin.

W: Don't mention it.


A.Teacher and student.

B.Employer and employee.





听力原文:M: You look happy. Did you sell lots of things at the store today?W: No. I bought

听力原文:M: You look happy. Did you sell lots of things at the store today?

W: No. I bought something. It was a great deal.

M: So what is it?

W: A laptop computer.

M: Really? That's great. They are really convenient. You can take them anywhere.

W: You are right. That's what I thought. I can use the computer at home and at my store.

M: What will you use it for at the store?

W: To keep track of all the things in the store. How much I sell them for and which article sells best, and what are the things in sufficient stock.

M: That's a good idea. But I didn't think you knew how to use a computer.

W: I have to say I don't.

M: Then why did you buy one?

W: I've heard so much about computers. And I've heard you can find so many interesting things online. I was walking past the computer store downtown. I saw they had computers on sale.

M: So you went into the store to ask a few questions.

W: That's right. And I met a nice, young salesman. He showed me lots of things a computer can do. I just had to buy one.

M: So now who is going to teach you to use it?

W: You are.


A.She is a software engineer.

B.She is an after-sale service worker.

C.She works as a salesclerk.

D.She is hunting for a job.



听力原文:M: Hello, Mary. Why do you look so upset?W: Well, every February, candy, flowers

听力原文:M: Hello, Mary. Why do you look so upset?

W: Well, every February, candy, flowers and gifts are everywhere. But where is mine? I hate this St. Valentine's Day. Who on earth is this saint and why do we have to celebrate this holiday?

M: Oh, don't be so depressed; your Mr. Right is waiting for you not far away. Just be a little patient. And I can tell you that the saint himself was not very happy on this day either.

W: Why? That's interesting, tell me.

M: Well, there are several stories about this man from both Christian and ancient Roman traditions.

W: That means we are not very sure of the exact history of it, are we?

M: Yes, but we do know that February has long been a month of romance.

W: Then what happened to this Valentine? Why did you say it's a tragedy?

M: Well, one story said that Valentine actually sent the first "valentine" greeting himself. When he was a prisoner, Valentine fell in love with a young girl who visited him during his confinement. Before his death, he wrote her a letter, in which he signed "From your Valentine".

W: Wow, it's so sad and so romantic!

M: Well, so don't be upset anymore. At least your future Valentine will be there and alive.

W: That doesn't help. I'm still very frustrated.


A.They only send cards with "From your Valentine" written on it.

B.They exchange candy, flowers and gifts.

C.They go to church to pray.

D.They hold parties.



听力原文:M: Hey, don't look so worried.W: (whispering) I don't know what to do with all th

听力原文:M: Hey, don't look so worried.

W: (whispering) I don't know what to do with all these knives and forks and glasses. What do I do?

M: Ah, so that's the problem, don't worry, it's easy. Use the cutlery from the outside to the inside. After each course the dirty dishes and cutlery will be taken away. The different glasses are for different kinds of drink. If you get stuck, just watch someone else.

W: OK, OK. I think I've got it. Could you explain some more about etiquette? I don't want to do something that looks really stupid!

M: Well, the most important thing is not to make noise when you eat. Parents always tell their children "don't talk with your mouth full" and "never chew with your mouth open".

W: OK, so that's a bit different. Sometimes it's polite in Asia to make noise. What else?

M: At a formal meal, in a place like this, you should always have your napkin on your lap and don't rest your arms on the table either. If you are at someone's house, it is always polite to compliment the cook. I guess that last part is the same everywhere in the world.

W: Well, although you guys didn't cook it, thanks for a great meal!

M: It's a good job I didn't cook it, I can burn water!

W: What do I do if I need to leave the table? Do I need to say where I'm going?

M: Don't go into too much detail. The safest option is to just say "please excuse me for a minute".

W: OK, well, in that case. Please excuse me for a minute.


A.eating all of the food.

B.using the right knives, forks and glasses.

C.going to the toilet.

D.drinking too much wine.



听力原文:W: Could you help me out with this presentation?M: Sure. You're using your laptop

听力原文:W: Could you help me out with this presentation?

M: Sure. You're using your laptop, right?

W: Yes. Take a quick look and let me know what you think.

M: There's a lot of information on these slides. If there's too much, the audience will stop listening to you and become focused on reading them.

W: But there's so much that I need to say.

M: I'd suggest cutting down the number of words on each slide or increasing the number of slides. Or both!

W: Last time I gave a presentation to this group of people, a few said there wasn't enough information. I guess I'll have to increase the number of slides.

M: Don't have too many or you'll have to race through them to get the presentation finished in time. Use buzzwords instead of whole sentences.

W: Buzzwords?

M: You know. Don't say "It makes your company more efficient". Instead just say "In creases efficiency".

W: What do you think of the background?

M: Not bad, but a little dark for my taste. In my experience, younger, more junior people prefer brighter colours whereas higher-ups prefer... Well, dark blue, for example.


A.They give too much information.

B.They distract from the speaker.

C.People get tired of them.

D.They don't give enough information.



听力原文:W: Hi, you look a little lost. Do you need some help?M: No, thanks. I'm just rest

听力原文:W: Hi, you look a little lost. Do you need some help?

M: No, thanks. I'm just resting, waiting for my family to conic back. They are sightseeing over there.

W: Oh, are you here on vacation? Why don't you go with them?

M: This kind of thing interests my wife and kids, but it's not really to my taste. In fact, I didn't even want to come to this country.

W: Oh, did you have to come on business?

M: No. We are on vacation. I wanted to go to Europe, but the kids wanted to come here. So we had a family meeting and put it to a vote, and I was outvoted 3 to 1. So here we are!

W: But you are their father! Shouldn't they listen to what you want to do?

M: Well, it's just good common sense that everybody should have a say when an important decision that affects all of us is to be made, such as taking a trip. I was really hoping to go to Europe, but the kids get more out of a trip if they are interested in what they are seeing. We believe there is no sense making kids do anything they don't want to do, so in our family we vote on a lot of things. Oh, here they come.


A.He was waiting for his business partner.

B.He was lost.

C.He was resting.

D.He was looking for his family.

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