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听力原文:When I was walking down the street the other day, I happened to notice a small br

听力原文: When I was walking down the street the other day, I happened to notice a small brown leather wallet lying on the sidewalk. I picked it up and opened it to see if I could find out the owner's name. There was nothing in side it except some change and an old photograph -- a picture of a woman and a young girl about twelve years old, who looked like the woman's daughter. I put the photograph back and' took the wallet to the police station. That evening I went to have dinner with my aunt and uncle. They had also invited a young woman so that there would be four people at the table. Her face was familiar. I was quite sure that we had not met before, but I couldn't remember where I had seen her. In the course of the conversation, however, the young woman happened to mention that she had lost her wallet that afternoon. All at once I realized where I had seen her. She was the young girl in the photograph, although she was now much older. She was very surprised, of course, when I was able to describe her wallet to her. Then I explained that I had recognized her from the photograph I had found in the wallet. My uncle insisted on going to the police station immediately to claim the wallet. As the-police sergeant handed it over. he said that it was amazing that I had not only found the wallet, but also the person who had lost it.


A.Because he wanted to find some money.

B.Because he wanted to find the owner's name.

C.Because he wanted to find the owner's photograph.

D.Because he was curious about what was inside it.

更多“听力原文:When I was walking down the street the other day, I happened to notice a small br”相关的问题


听力原文:W: Do you walk to work every day?M: No, it's too far to walk. There is a bus goin

听力原文:W: Do you walk to work every day?

M: No, it's too far to walk. There is a bus going right by my house. But when it rains or when the bus is crowded, I do wish I had a car.

Q: How does the man usually go to work?


A.On foot.

B.By bus.

C.By car.

D.By train.



听力原文:M:Collecting stamps is not on easy work for me.If have time to spare,I'd like to
go for a long country walk or listen to music,

W:Well,I regard collecting as play. I'm never so happy as when I'm busy with stamps.

Q:What do you learn from the conversation?


A.Both of the man and woman hate collecting stamps.

B.Neither of them feels collecting stamps is an easy thing.

C.The woman is very fond of collecting stamps.

D.The man prefers walk to music.



听力原文:Linda left school when she was seventeen years old and went to a college for a ye

听力原文: Linda left school when she was seventeen years old and went to a college for a year to learn to type. She passed her examinations quite well and then went to look for work. She was still living with her parents.

A lot of people were looking for typists at that time, so it was not difficult to find interesting work. Linda went to several offices, and then chose one of them. It was near her parents' house. She thought, "I'll walk there every morning. I won't need to go by bus."

She went to the office again and said to the manager, "I want to work here, but what will you pay me?"

"We'll pay you $35 now," the manager answered, "and $40 after three months."

Linda thought for a few seconds before she answered. Then she said, "All right, then I'll start in three months' time."

What did Linda do after graduating from college?

A.She learned to type.

B.She went to look for work.

C.She lived with her parents.



听力原文:W: Excuse me, does this No. 8 bus go to the Wang Fu Jing Department store?M. No,

听力原文:W: Excuse me, does this No. 8 bus go to the Wang Fu Jing Department store?

M. No, it doesn’t. You' ll have to change to a No. 3 bus at Sha Tan. Or, if you don't mind walking, you can take this bus and get off at the Workers Club Building and walk across to Wang Fu Jing.

W: I think I'd rather take the bus. Where did you say I should change?

M: Sha Tan, when you get off the bus, walk back to the corner and turn left, you' ll see the bus stop just ahead of you on the left-hand side of the street. But remember to take a No. 3 bus. The others don’t go to Wang Fu Jing.

W: Change to a No. 3 bus at Sha Tan. Thanks a lot.

M: Not at all.

What does the woman want to do?

A.Go to Wang Fu Jing Department Store.

B.Play at the Workers Club Building.

C.Ask the way from the man.



听力原文:W: Didn't you drive by the White House when you went to the conference yesterday?

M: Yes, we did, but we drove by it very fast. Let's walk around it today. I always prefer walking to driving.

Q: What can we learn from the conversation?


A.The man wants to drive around the White House today.

B.The man didn't go by the White House yesterday.'

C.The man wants to go into the White House today.

D.The man didn't have a good look at the White House yesterday.



听力原文:Peter's uncle lived in the country. Once Peter went to stay with him for a few we

听力原文: Peter's uncle lived in the country. Once Peter went to stay with him for a few weeks. Whenever they went for a walk or for a drive in the car and they passed somebody, his uncle waved. Peter was surprised, and said," George, you know everybody here. Where did you meet them all?"

"I don't know all these people, "said his uncle.

"Then why do you wave to them?" asked Peter.

"Well , Peter, "answered his uncle," When I wave to someone and he knows me, he is pleased. He continues his journey with a happier heart. But when ! wave to someone and he doesn't know me, he is surprised and says to himself, ' Who is that man? Why did he wave to me?' So he has something to think about during the rest of his journey, and it makes his journey seem shorter. So I make everybody happy."


A.The brother of Peter's father or mother.

B.One of the sons of Peter' s aunt.

C.One of Peter's nephews.

D.Peter's friend.



听力原文:W: I need to make some money so that I can go traveling. Do you know any part-tim
e jobs?

M: How about sending newspapers?

W: I already thought of that, but I don't have a bike.

M: How about walking dogs?

W: Walking dogs?

M: Yes, you know, there're a lot of people around here with dogs.

W: Then how much can I earn if I walk dogs?

M: More than sending newspapers. The dogs need to be walked every day, especially when people are at work.

W: That's a good idea since I like dogs very much. But how can I find dogs to walk?

M: You can put an advertisement in the Sunday newspaper.

W: Then how much shall I charge for walking a dog?

M: You can try for four dollars an hour.

W: That's great. Thank you so much.

Why did the girl want to make money?

A.She wanted to buy a new bike.

B.She wanted to go traveling.

C.She wanted to have a dog.



听力原文:W: David! Can I give you a hand with one of those grocery bags?M: Sure, Nancy! Co

听力原文:W: David! Can I give you a hand with one of those grocery bags?

M: Sure, Nancy! Could you take this one, please? I didn't realize how heavy these bags would be.

W: Why did you buy so much stuff when you have to walk home from the store?

M: Well, I didn't intend to buy a lot, but I'm having some people over and I guess I needed more than I expected.

W: What's the occasion?

M: The people I live with, the Kramers, have been on vacation for a month and I thought I'd surprise them. I'm inviting some of their friends and family for a welcome-home dinner.

W: That's really thoughtful of you.

M: I figure it's the least I can do for them. They've been letting me stay with them rent-free while I'm in school.

W: Really? That's pretty generous of them.

M: Well, they understand how difficult it is to make ends meet when you're a student. They've been such a big help to me, I thought that this might be a small way to thank them for their generosity.


A.Get a ride home with Nancy.

B.Find a place to live.

C.Go to the store before it closes.

D.Carry his groceries home.



听力原文:W: David, can I give you a hand with one of those grocery bags?M: Sure, Nancy.Cou

听力原文:W: David, can I give you a hand with one of those grocery bags?

M: Sure, Nancy. Could you take this one please? I didn't realize how heavy these bags would be.

W: Why did you buy so much stuff when you have to walk back home from the store?

M: Well, I didn't intend to buy a lot. But I'm having some people over, and I guess I needed more than I expected.

W: What's the occasion?

M: Now the people ! live with, the Kremers, have been on vacation for a month and I thought I'd surprise them. I'm inviting some of their friends and families for a welcome home dinner.

W: Oh, that's really thoughtful of you.

M: I figure it's the least I can do for them. They've been letting me stay with them rent-free while I'm in school.

W: Really? That's pretty generous of them.

M: Well, they understand how difficult it is to make ends meet when you're a student. They've been such a big help to me. I thought that this might be a small way to thank them for their generosity.


A.Get a ride home with Nancy.

B.Find a place to live.

C.Go to the store before it closes.

D.Carry his groceries home.



听力原文:After years of study, I hove determined there are only two types of people in thi

听力原文: After years of study, I hove determined there are only two types of people in this world: Those who get to the airport early and those who walk in just as the plane is about to take off. If there were any justice in the world, the early airport people would be rewarded for doing the right thing and the late airport people would be punished. But there is no justice. I know I hove been an early airport person for years. My luggage will get on the plane first but it will be the last luggage to come off the plane when we land. You know who really gets his luggage first when we land? The late airport person, who rushes into the airport three minutes before the plane takes off. "But if I get there real early," I told myself, "I will get the best seat." Well, no matter how early I showed up, I was always told that someone had called two or three days ahead of me and asked for that seat. The utmost embarrassment of the early airport person happened to me a few years ago when I was flying from New York to Chicago, When I got to the ticket counter, the person there said, "Sir, you hove a seat on the 9:15 A.M. flight, is that right?" "Yea. ' I said. "Well, it's only 7:00 A. M. and the 7:05 A.M. flight has not left yet. If you hurry you can make it." I was too embarrassed to say that I arrived early so I wouldn't have to hurry. Instead, I ran down the corridor to the plane.


A.He is always in a hurry.

B.He is quick in making decisions.

C.He is always the first to arrive at the airport.

D.He usually doesn't get the reward he deserves.

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