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听力原文:W: I ran into Sally the other day. I could hardly recognize her. Do you remember

her from high school?

M: Yeah,she was a little out of shape back then. Well,has she lost a lot of weight?

Q: What does the man remember of Sally?


A.She used to be in poor health.

B.She was popular among boys.

C.She was somewhat overweight.

D.She didn't do well at high school.

更多“听力原文:W: I ran into Sally the other day. I could hardly recognize her. Do you remember”相关的问题


听力原文:M: I' ve been trying every bookstore in town for a copy of the chemistry textbook
. The school' s bookstore ran out for quite some time.

W: Have you tried the one near the Sam' s? I heard they still have a few copies left.

Q: What does the woman suggest the man to do?


A.Copy the book at Sam' s store.

B.Go to the school store and look again.

C.Ask Sam for some copies.

D.Go to the bookstore near the Sam' s.



听力原文:M: I was sorry to hear about your accident.W: Well, it could have been worse. If

听力原文:M: I was sorry to hear about your accident.

W: Well, it could have been worse. If it had happened a little further along the road, my car would have landed in the river instead of that grassy field.

Q: What happened to the woman's car?


A.It ran into another car.

B.It fell into a river.

C.It was badly damaged.

D.It left the road and landed in a field.



听力原文:M: I've been trying every bookstore in town for a copy of the chemistry textbook.
The school's bookstore ran out for quite some time.

W: Have you tried the one near the Sam's? I heard they still have a few copies left.

Q: What does the woman suggest the man to do?


A.Copy the book at Sam's store.

B.Go to the school store and look again.

C.Ask Sam for some copies.

D.Go to the bookstore near the Sam's.



听力原文:M: I ran into our friend Mark yesterday on the street and he said he hadn’t heard
from you for two months.

W: Yes, I know. But I have been too busy to phone him.

Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?


A.The man saw Mark on the street two month ago.

B.The woman had forgotten Mark's number.

C.The woman made a phone call to Mark yesterday.

D.Mark and the woman had not been in touch for some time.



听力原文:W:I ran out of both salt and pepper.M: I'll pick them up on my way home from work

听力原文:W:I ran out of both salt and pepper.

M: I'll pick them up on my way home from work.

Q: What will the man do?


A.Stop at the grocery store.

B.Use them in his office.

C.Take them with him for lunch.

D.Borrow them from his neighbor.



听力原文:M: Hi, Catherine. Haven't seen you for a long time. How is your vocation?W: Terri

听力原文:M: Hi, Catherine. Haven't seen you for a long time. How is your vocation?

W: Terrific ! I went to Washington D. C. to visit my cousin. I saw the Jefferson Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, and the White House.

M: What a pity is that I've never been there. What do you like best?

W: No doubt the White House. It's been the official home of the American presidents since 1800.

M: I didn't know the history of it. Is it really as nice as everyone says it is?

W: It's a two - story building built of stones. But it is simple and dignified. It was named the White House after the British burned it in the war of 1812.

M: I remember now. The president then was James Madison. And his wife Dolly ran out of the burning building carrying the portrait of George Washington.

W: That's right, it's hanging in the East Room now.

M: How big is the White House?

W: There are one hundred thirty - two rooms inside it and covers eighteen acres of land outside. It has to be painted every four years.

M: How much are the visitors allowed to visit?

W: Only six rooms are open to the public. It's a popular, and there are always too many people waiting for their turns.

When was the White House built?







听力原文:M: Okay. May I see your driver's license, please?W: What? Did I do anything wrong

听力原文:M: Okay. May I see your driver's license, please?

W: What? Did I do anything wrong?

M: License, please. And your car registration.

W: Oh, yeah. It's here somewhere in the glove compartment. Yeah, here it is.

M: Ma'am, did you realize you were speeding in a school zone?

W: What? No, I didn't, but that's probably because my odometer is broken, I mean, malfunctioning.

M: Yes, you were going 50 miles per hour in a 20 miles per hour zone. And, and, you failed to come to a complete stop at the intersection back there.

W: Rolling stops doesn't count?

M: And, one of your break lights is out, you're not wearing a seat belt, and your driver's license expired six months ago.

W: And your name is Officer Smith? Hey, are you related to the Smiths in town? My husband's cousin's husband(I think his name is Fred) works for the police department here. Or was that the fire department. Anyway, I thought you might be good pals, and you know.

M: Hey, are you trying to influence an officer?

W: No, of course not.

M: Okay, then. Here's your ticket. You can either appear in court to pay the fine or mail it in. Have a nice day.

W: Do you take cash?


A.She exceeded a school bus.

B.She parked illegaIly near the school zone.

C.She exceeded the speed limit.

D.She ran into a school pupil.



听力原文:W: Hey, Charles. You're so early today. When did you start running?M: I got here

听力原文:W: Hey, Charles. You're so early today. When did you start running?

M: I got here at 6:20 and ran 13 laps before 7. I have2 more to do, and then I'll be done.

Q: How many laps is the man supposed to run today?


A.20 laps.

B.15 laps.

C.37 laps.

D.32 laps.



听力原文:M: Hi, Jane. How is your vacation?W: Terrific! I went to Washington D. C. to visi

听力原文:M: Hi, Jane. How is your vacation?

W: Terrific! I went to Washington D. C. to visit my cousin. I saw the Jefferson Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, the Smithsonian Institution, and the White House.

M: I've never been to Washington. What did you like best?

W: Oh, the White House. Do you know that it's been the official home of the presidents since 1800? And every president except George Washington has lived in it.

M: I didn't know it was that old. Is it really as nice as everyone says?

W: It's only a two-storied building of stone. But its dignity impressed me. It used to be called the president's house. But it was named the White House after the British burned it in the war of 1812. It had to be repainted, of course.

M: I remember now. The president then was James Madison. And his wife Dolly ran out of the burning building carrying the portrait of Washington.

W: Yes, that's right. It's hanging in the East Room now.

M: How big is the White House?

W: It's big--32 rooms inside the White House and 8 acres outside. It has to be painted every four years.

M: How much were you allowed to see?

W: Not very much. Only 6 of the rooms are open to the public. It's a popular tour, and there is always a line of people waiting. They want to look at their property, I guess.

M: Their property?

W: Sure. The White House is owned by the people of the United States. We elect the leaders who live in R.

M: But can just anyone go inside?

W: Of course.Anyone can see our president's home.


A.It only has 6 rooms inside.

B.It is a luxury building.

C.It is the official home of the presidents.

D.George Washington had lived in it.



听力原文:M:If the traffic wasn't so bad, I could have been home by 6:00.W:What a pity! You

听力原文:M:If the traffic wasn't so bad, I could have been home by 6:00.

W:What a pity! Your cousin was here to see you.

Q:What happened to the man?


A.He went to see his cousin.

B.He was held up in traffic.

C.His car ran out of gas.

D.He had a traffic accident.



听力原文:W: Look, I'm sorry, but the books for Chem. 100 aren't in yet.M: Why not? School

听力原文:W: Look, I'm sorry, but the books for Chem. 100 aren't in yet.

M: Why not? School started last week.

W: I really don't know. Maybe the professor ordered them late, or the publisher ran out of then and they are on back order.

M: This is awful. I' m worried about this course anyway. I didn't do that well in chemistry in high school.

W: I know what you mean. Did you check the used book section?

M: Yes. No luck there.

W: Okay. Look, why don't you go over to the library? I'll bet that the professor put at least one copy on reserve.

M: Do you think so? That would be great. At least I could make copies of the pages that I need until the books come in. Oh, wait. If there's only one copy, everyone will be trying to do that.

W: True. Well, we do have a bulletin board. You could put a notice up that you are looking for a book for Chemistry 100, and maybe someone who has it will want so sell it directly to you. Do you have a phone in the dorm?

M: Yeah. I'll just put my name and phone number on the notice. That's a great idea! Where's the bulletin board?

W: By the T - shirts and clothing near the front door. Oh, and be sure to put down the exact title of the book, too, because they don't always use the same one.

M: Thanks. You've been a big help.


A.A notice on the bulletin board.

B.A book for a class the man is taking.

C.A chemistry class that is being taught.

D.The library reserve desk.

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