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What is the ultimate purpose of science? This question has challenged some of the most pro

found scholars of the past. It is of increasing【B1】today, not only to practicing research scientists but to nonscientists【B2】. The two groups often【B3】very different answers. This is not surprising,【B4】the average person is【B5】by the marvelous consequences that science itself can bring forth: the launching of a manned space vehicle, or the creation of a nuclear weapon【B6】completely【B7】only decades ago.【B8】gigantic efforts, involving an entire nation's economic and technological【B9】and utilizing the skills of thousands of scientists and engineers, are widely publicized and become【B10】the real purpose of scientific investigation.【B11】any one-sided view【B12】be misleading, and this one is no【B13】.

How do scientists themselves regard their professional aims? A great majority of scientists【B14】that they are motivated by a desire to search for truth.

Science is a structure of many interlocking disciplines, its growth【B15】man's imagination and his compelling desire to understand his environment and himself. The basic compulsion to learn may reveal vast new horizons, end【B16】, or produce agreeable or terrifying byproducts, but【B17】science will fulfill its purpose. For we can say that nothing happens in nature without a reason and the basic reason is【B18】of the species,【B19】implies continuing evolution and improvement. Man's destiny is control of his environment, and the methods he employs are ultimately only【B20】to an end.






更多“What is the ultimate purpose of science? This question has challenged some of the most pro”相关的问题


According to the text, what is the ultimate purpose of virtual reality in education?A.To g

According to the text, what is the ultimate purpose of virtual reality in education?

A.To give special students a chance to experience life in the outside world.

B.To train teachers to work with students with special needs.

C.To allow special students to learn life-skills in a safe environment.

D.To prepare special students to transition into mainstream society.



What is the message the author intends to convey?A.Global warming is more of a moral issue

What is the message the author intends to convey?

A.Global warming is more of a moral issue than a practical one.

B.The ultimate solution to global warming lies in new technology.

C.The debate over global warming will lead to technological breakthroughs.

D.People have to give up certain material comforts to stop global warming.



What is the message the author intends to convey in Excerpt 6?A.Global warming is more of

What is the message the author intends to convey in Excerpt 6?

A.Global warming is more of a moral issue than a practical one.

B.The ultimate solution to global warming lies in new technology.

C.The debate over global warming will lead to technological breakthroughs.

D.People have to give up certain material comforts to stop global warming.



What is the message the author intends to convey?A) Global warming is more of a moral i

What is the message the author intends to convey?

A) Global warming is more of a moral issue than a practical one.

B) The ultimate solution to global warming lies in new technology.

C) The debate over global warming will lead to technological breakthroughs.

D) People have to give up certain material comforts to stop global warming.



What is the message the author intends to convey? 查看

A. Global warming is more of a moral issue than a practical one.

B. The ultimate solution to global warming lies in new technology.

C. The debate over global warming will lead to technological breakthroughs.

D. People have to give up certain material comforts to stop global warming.



Which of the following is the ultimate reason for the decline of tropical rain forests?A.U

Which of the following is the ultimate reason for the decline of tropical rain forests?

A.Unfavorable climate.

B.Human abuse of forests.

C.Increase in the temperature.

D.Unusual rainfalls.



ultimate constituent









Lifesaver Heroine—Florence Nightingale"The ultimate destination of all nursing is the nurs

Lifesaver Heroine—Florence Nightingale

"The ultimate destination of all nursing is the nursing of the sick in their own homes. I look to the abolition of all hospitals and Workhouse infirmaries. "

—Florence Nightingale

Early Years

Florence Nightingale was born in Italy on 12 May 1820 and was named Florence after the city where she was born. Her parents, William Edward and Frances Nightingale were a wealthy couple, who had toured Europe/or two years on their honeymoon. During their travels their first daughter, Parthenope, was born in Naples (Parthenope being the Greek name for the ancient city), followed one year later by Florence. On returning to England the Nightingales divided their time between two homes.. In the summer months they lived at Lea Hurst in Derbyshire, moving to Embley in Hampshire for the winter. Lea Hurst is now a retirement home and Embley is now a school.

Call from God

Florence and Parthenope were taught at home by their Cambridge University educated father. Florence was an academic child, while her sister excelled at painting and needlework. Florence grew up to be a lively and attractive young woman, admired in the family's social circle and she was expected to make a good marriage, but Florence had other concerns. In 1837, whilst in the gardens at Embley, Florence had what she described as her "calling". Florence heard the voice of God calling her to do his work, but at this time she had no idea what that work would be.

The Years of Struggle and the Visit to Kaiserswerth

Florence developed an interest in the social questions of the day, made visits to the homes of the sick in the local villages and began to investigate hospitals and nursing. Her parents refused to allow her to become a nurse as in the mid-nineteenth century it was not considered a suitable profession for a well educated woman. While the family conflicts over Florence's future remained unresolved, it was decided that Florence would tour Europe with some family friends, Charles and Selina Bracebridge. The three traveled to Italy, Egypt and Greece, returning in July 1850 through Germany where they visited Pastor Theodor Fliedner's hospital and school for deaconesses (女执事,牧师的女助手) at Kaiserswerth, near Dusseldorf. The following year Florence Nightingale returned to Kaiserswerth and undertook three months nursing training, which enabled her to take a vacancy as Superintendent of the Establishment for Gentlewomen during illness at No.1 Harley Street, London in 1853.

The Crimean War

In March 1854 Britain, France and Turkey declared war on Russia. The allies defeated the Russians at the battle of the Alma in September but reports in The Times criticized the British medical facilities for the wounded. In response, Sidney Herbert, the Minister at War, who knew Florence Nightingale socially and through her work at Harley Street, appointed her to oversee the introduction of female nurses into the military hospitals in Turkey. On 4 November 1854, Florence Nightingale arrived at the Barrack Hospital in Scutari, a suburb on the Asian side of Constantinople (君士坦丁堡), with the party of 38 nurses. Initially the doctors did not want the nurses there and did not ask for their help, but within ten days fresh casualties arrived from the battle of Inkerman and the nurses were fully stretched.

The "Lady-in-Chief", as Florence was called, wrote home on behalf of the soldiers. She acted as a banker, sending the men's wages home to their families, and introduced reading rooms to the hospital. In return she gained the undying respect of the British soldiers. The introduction of female nurses to the military hospitals was an outstanding success, and to show the nation's gratitude for Florence Nightin gale's hard work a public subscription (募捐) was organized in November 1855. The money collected was to enab











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