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听力原文:W: Would-you like to go to the beach with us?M: Yes. But now I'm having second th

听力原文:W: Would-you like to go to the beach with us?

M: Yes. But now I'm having second thoughts about it.

What did the man mean?.

A.He would keep his words.

B.He wouldn't like to go.

C.He may change his mind.

更多“听力原文:W: Would-you like to go to the beach with us?M: Yes. But now I'm having second th”相关的问题


听力原文:W: May I speak to Mr Li?M: Which Li, ma' am? There are two Lis here.W: Oh? Mr Li,

听力原文: W: May I speak to Mr Li?

M: Which Li, ma' am? There are two Lis here.

W: Oh? Mr Li, head of the Export Section.

M: Oh, the chief? That's Mr Michael Li, then.

W: Is that right?

M: I'm sorry, but Mr Li's gone on a trip.

W. I see. When will he return?

M: He'll be back next Monday.

W: All right. I'll call on Monday again.

M: May I have your name?

W: Mrs Dorothy Preston.

M: Mrs Dorothy Preston. Is that Dorothy with a "y"?

W: That' s right.

M: I'll tell Mr Li you called when he returns.

W: Thank you.

Where is Mr. Li?

A.He is on holiday.

B.He is out for lunch.

C.He is on a trip.



听力原文:W: Have you finished the assignments of Pro. Li's last class?M: As soon as I went

听力原文:W: Have you finished the assignments of Pro. Li's last class?

M: As soon as I went back home. that idea evaporated from my memory. I only hope Pro. Li would forget that thing.

Q: What does the man probably mean?


A.He has a bad memory.

B.Pro. Li will not remember that assignments.

C.He didn't finish those assignments.

D.He missed home very much.



听力原文:M: A trip to Beijing is nice but Michelle really wants to go to Li Jiang.W: I kno

听力原文:M: A trip to Beijing is nice but Michelle really wants to go to Li Jiang.

W: I know, but l didn't know where to get tickets.

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She thinks it's difficult to get tickets to Li Jiang.

B.She wants to know which place sells tickets.

C.She wants to know if she can still get tickets.

D.She doesn't want to buy tickets.



听力原文:W: May I speak to Mr. Li?M: Which Li, ma'am? There are two Lis here.W: Oh? Mr. Li

听力原文:W: May I speak to Mr. Li?

M: Which Li, ma'am? There are two Lis here.

W: Oh? Mr. Li, head of the Export Section.

M: Oh, the chief? That's Mr. Michael Li, then.

W: Is that right?

M: I'm sorry, but Mr. Li's gone on a trip.

W: I see. When will he return?

M: He'll be back next Monday.

W: All right. I'll call on Monday again.

M: May I have your name?

W: Mrs. Dorothy Preston.

M: Mrs. Dorothy Preston. Is that Dorothy with a "y"?

W: That's right.

M: I'll tell Mr. Li you called when he returns.

W: Thank you.

Where is Mr. Li?

A.He is on holiday.

B.He is out for lunch.

C.He is on a trip.



听力原文:M: I have decided to take six courses this semester.W: Don't count on a social li

听力原文:M: I have decided to take six courses this semester.

W: Don't count on a social life.

Q: What does the woman imply?


A.The man shouldn't socialize.

B.The man will have too heavy a workload to have social life.

C.The man shouldn't neglect his social life.

D.The man doesn't want to have a social life.



听力原文:W:Professor Li,I am so sorry to disturb you by asking you so many questions after
class.You must feel very tired of that.

M:Tired? There is nothing more interesting than helping my students solve the problems in the study.

Q:What is man's attitude towards answering these questions after class?


A.It is very boring.

B.It is very interesting.

C.It is a waste of time.

D.It is his responsibility.



听力原文:W: Professor Li, I'm so sorry to disturb you by asking you so many questions afte
r class. You must feel very tired of that.

M: Tired? There is nothing more interesting than helping my students solve the problems in the study.

Q: What does the man think of answering the woman's questions after class?


A.It is very boring.

B.It is very interesting.

C.It is a waste of time.

D.It is his responsibility.



听力原文:W: I was late for Professor Li's lecture this morning. Could you lend me your not

M: Sure. But you won't find anything in my notes. He didn't say anything important during your absence.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?


A.The man's notes are not very good.

B.The man doesn't want to lend the woman his notes.

C.The woman doesn't have to borrow notes from the man.

D.The woman should have come to the lecture earlier.



听力原文:M: Oh, hello, Li Li. Come on in, and how've you been keeping recently?W: Quite al

听力原文:M: Oh, hello, Li Li. Come on in, and how've you been keeping recently?

W: Quite all right. Thanks, Dr. Francis. How's your project going?

M: Very smoothly, I should say. I'm playing a consultancy role, really. I've only been here in China for a month, but I'm already on very good terms with my colleagues in the Department of Computer Science. Well, I'm happy that you could come. Do sit down, please.

W: Dr. Francis, do you know I've got a chance to go to Cambridge in August? I wonder if you could tell me something about Britain.

M: Certainly. Well, I was actually brought up in Scotland. Er...in fact, I've never been to Cambridge. But well...yes, I'm sure I can give you some useful tips. Now, what do you want to know, Li Li?

W: Things like weather. What's the usual temperature there?

M: Mmm, the temperature in Scotland is 22 or 23 degrees centigrade, on average, I think. But Cambridge would be warmer, around 25, I would guess, because it's down south.

W: Oh, that's nice. Do you know it is 34 here? Last year it reached 39. By the way, where do you think I should stay?

M: Oh, that's important. You can, er... I suppose, stay in the college-owned fiats, which are often near where you have your classes, and some are even on the campus. That would certainly be convenient.

W: Yes, it would.

M: But it can also be a disadvantage because you are, in a sense, separated from ordinary society. You're a language teacher, and I think learning from society is a valuable experience.

W: Yes, yes, exactly. So what's the alternative?

M: Maybe finding an English host family. I know of a student Ali from the Middle East. He told me that he had learnt a lot by staying with a British family.

W: Thank you. I think it's quite a good suggestion. By the way, Dr. Francis, do you think I could...


A.He is a teacher of English in Cambridge.

B.He is a consultant to a Scottish company.

C.He is a specialist in computer science.

D.He is a British tourist to China.



听力原文:M: Hello, Li Li. Come on in. How've you been keeping recently?W: Quite well Thank

听力原文:M: Hello, Li Li. Come on in. How've you been keeping recently?

W: Quite well Thanks. How's your project?

M: Great. I'm playing a consultancy role. I've only been here in China for a month, but already on very good terms with my colleagues in the Department of Computer Science. Well, sit down, please.

W: Dr. Francis, I've got a chance to go to Cambridge in August. I wonder if you could tell me something about Britain.

M: Certainly. Well, I was actually brought up in Scotland. But I'm sure I can give you some useful tips. Now, what do you want to know?

W: Things like weather. What's the temperature there?

M: The temperature in Cambridge is warmer than Scotland, around 25, because it's down south.

W: That's nice. Do you know it's 34 here? By the way, where do you think I should stay?

M: Well, you can, I suppose, stay in the college-owned flats, which are often near where you have your classes, or even on the campus. That would certainly be convenient.

W: Yes, it would.

M: But it can also be a disadvantage because you are, in a sense, separated from ordinary society, and I think learning from society is a valuable experience.

W: So what's the alternative?

M: Maybe finding an English host family. I know of a student Ali. He told me that he had learnt a lot by staying with a British family.

W: Thanks. It's quite a good idea.


A.They will meet the friend from Argentina.

B.They will work out a contract.

C.They will go to the man's home.

D.They will write a diary.

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