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Why is the area just under the shark’s collagen fibers similar to a belted radial


A.Because it is also full of blood pressure.

B.Because it is also filled of air pressure.

C.Because it is also inflated by pressure.

D.Because it also can be used again and again.

更多“Why is the area just under the shark’s collagen fibers similar to a belted radial”相关的问题


Going back as far as I can remember as a child in an Indian area, I had no sense of knowin
g about the other people around me except that we were all somehow equal. There was only one class. Nobody was interested in getting on top of anybody else.

You could see it in our games. Nobody organized them. There weren't any competitive sports. But we took part in lots of activities and we were organized, not in the sense that there were wars of finding out who had won and who had lost. We played balls like everyone else, but no one kept scores. Even if we did formally take part in the games we played, no one was a winner though someone may have won. It was only at that moment. If you beat someone by pulling a bow (弓) and arrow (箭) and shooting the arrow further, it didn't mean you were better in any way. It just meant that at that particular time the arrow went further; maybe it was just the way you let the bow go. These kinds of things are very important to me and that is why I am talking about them.

One of the very important things was the relationship we had with our families. We didn't always live at home. We lived wherever we happened to be at that particular time when it got dark. If you were two or three miles away from home, then that was where you slept.

According to the writer, in India ______.

A.all the people were kind and equal in different activities

B.all the people quarreled with each other in every fight

C.people often took part in different fights

D.every child tried to climb to the top of ail the activities



听力原文:At a certain time in our lives we consider every place as the possible sites for

听力原文: At a certain time in our lives we consider every place as the possible sites for a house. I have thus searched the country within a dozen miles of where I live. In imagination I have bought all the farms, one after another, and I knew their prices.

The nearest thing that I came to actual ownership was when I bought the Hollowell place. But before the owner completed the sale with me, his wife changed her mind and wished to keep it, and he offered me additional dollars to return the farm to him. However, I let him keep the additional dollars and sold him the farm for just what I gave for it.

The real attraction of the Hollowell farm to me was its position, being about two miles from the village, half a mile from the nearest neighbor, bounded on one side by the river, and separated from the highway by a wide field. The poor condition of the house and fences showed that it hadn't been used for some time. I remembered from my earliest trip up the river that the house used to be hidden behind a forest area, and I was in a hurry to buy it before the owner finished getting out some rocks, cutting down the apple trees, and clearing away some young trees which had grown up in the fields. I wanted to buy it before he made any more of his improvements. But it turned out as I have said.

I was not really troubled by the loss. I had always had a garden, but I don't think I was ready for a large farm. I believe that as long as possible it is better to live free and uncommitted. It makes but little difference whether you own a farm or not.

Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.

26. What do we know about the speaker?

27. Why did the speaker decide to buy the Hollowell place?

28. Why did the speaker want to buy the farm in a hurry?

29. What does the speaker believe as important in life?


A.He made money by buying and selling farms.

B.He made a study of many farms before buying.

C.He had the money to buy the best farm in the country.

D.He wanted to buy the oldest farm near where he lived.



听力原文:Apartment Manager: Well, hi Mr. Brown. How's the apartment working out for you?Te

听力原文:Apartment Manager: Well, hi Mr. Brown. How's the apartment working out for you?

Tenant: Well, Mr. Nelson. That's what I'd like to talk to you about. Well, I want to talk to you about that noise. You see...would you mind talking to the tenant in 4B and ask him to keep his music down, especially after 10:00 at night?

Apartment Manager: Ooooh. Who me?

Tenant: Why yes. The music is blaring almost every night, and it should be your job as manager to take care of things.

Apartment Manager: Hey, I just collect the rent. Besides, the man living there is the owner's son, and he's a walking refrigerator. Hey, I'll see what I can do. Anything else?

Tenant: Well, yes. Could you talk to the owners of the property next door about the pungent odor drifting this way.

Apartment Manager: Well, the area is zoned for agricultural and livestock use, so there's nothing much I can do about that.

Tenant: Well, what about the...that! That noise!

Apartment Manager: What noise? I don't hear anything.

Tenant: There, there it is again.

Apartment Manager: What noise?

Tenant : That noise !

Apartment Manager: Oh, that noise. I guess the military has resumed its exercises on the artillery range.

Tenant: You have to be kidding. Can't anything be done about it?

Apartment Manager: Why certainly! I'vr protested this activity, and these weekly activities should cease...within the next three to five years.

Tenant: Hey, you never told me about these problems before I signed the rental agreement.

Why did the woman want to complain about the noise?

A.The refrigerator was too old.

B.People dance after 10:00 at night.

C.The apartment manager didn't care about it at all.

D.The music was far too loud.



听力原文:W: Hello everybody. We're sitting just outside Emma Ville in New South Wales, Aus
tralia. And I'm just talking to Archie here. Archie, you were born near here?

M: Yes. I was horn here at Vegetable Creek Hospital.

W: Right, so Emma Ville used to be called Vegetable Creek.

M: That's correct.

W: When did they change the name, do you know?

M: They changed the name back in 1872.

W: Right, and why was that?

M: It was because at the time the governor of New South Wales was, his wife's name was Emma, and he came to Emma Ville and opened up the Emma Ville hospital and he called it Emma Ville, after Emma.

W: And there used to be a lot of Chinese people growing vegetables here before.

M: That's fight. There were 3,000 Chinese at a tin mine in Emma Ville. Emma Ville used to produce 400,000 tons of tin a year. The last mine that was in Emma Ville closed down in 1988.

W: And what year were you born?

M: I was born the first of November, 1942. And I've worked among sheep and machinery all my life.

W: So what was it like growing up around here?

M: Quite good. I still retain my keen memory of my early events that occurred in Emma Ville, and those unforgettable days. I'd really like to do it all back over again.

W: When did you start running sheep?

M: Back in 1979.@I never had one acre of ground. I leased country then, in 1979, out in this area, and built myself the sheep farm from there.

W: Do you shear your own sheep or...?

M: No. No, I pay shearers.


A.He is American.

B.He is Austrian.

C.He is Australian.

D.He is English.



WildfiresIn just seconds, a spark or even the sun's heat alone sets off an extremely large


In just seconds, a spark or even the sun's heat alone sets off an extremely large fire. The wildfire quickly spreads, consuming the thick, dried-out plants and almost everything else in its path. What was once a forest becomes a virtual powder keg of untapped fuel. In a seemingly instantaneous burst, the wildfire overtakes thousands of acres of surrounding land, threatening the homes and lives of many in the vicinity.

Fire Starters

On a hot summer day, when drought conditions peak, something as small as a spark from a train car's wheel striking the track can ignite a raging wildfire. Sometimes, fires occur naturally, ignited by heat from the sun or a lightning strike. However, the majority of Wildfires are the result of human carelessness.

Common causes for wildfires include:



Discarding lit cigarettes

Improperly burning debris

Playing with matches or fireworks

Prescribed fires

Everything has a temperature at which it will burst into flames. This temperature is called a material's flash point. Wood's flash point is 572 degrees Fahrenheit(300 ℃). When wood is heated to this temperature, it releases hydrocarbon gases that mix with oxygen in the air, combust and create fire.

There are three components needed for ignition and combustion to occur. A fire requires fuel to burn, air to supply oxygen, and a heat source to bring the fuel Up to ignition temperature. Heat, oxygen and fuel form. the fire triangle. Firefighters often talk about the fire triangle when they are trying to put out a blaze. The idea is that if they can take away any one of the pillars of the triangle, they can control and ultimately extinguish the fire.

After combustion occurs and a fire begins to burn, there are several factors that determine how the fire spreads. These three factors include fuel, weather and topography. Depending on these factors, a fire can quickly fizzle or turn into a raging blaze that scorches thousands of acres.

Fueling the Flames

Wildfires spread based on the type and quantity of fuel that surrounds it. Fuel can include everything from trees, underbrush and dry grassy fields to homes. The amount of flammable material that surrounds a fire is referred to as the fuel load. Fuel load is measured by the amount of available fuel per unit area, usually tons per acre.

A small fuel load will cause a fire to burn and spread slowly, with a low intensity. If there is a lot of fuel, the fire will burn more intensely, causing it to spread faster. The faster it heats up the material around it, the faster those materials can ignite. The dryness of the fuel can also affect the behavior. of the fire. When the fuel is very dry, it is consumed much faster and creates a fire that is much more difficult to contain.

Here are the basic fuel characteristics that decide how it affects a fire:

Size and shape


Moisture content

Small fuel materials, also called flashy fuels, such as dry grass, pine needles, dry leaves, twigs and other dead brush, burn faster than large logs or stumps(this is why you start a fire with kindling rather than logs). On a chemical level, different fuel materials take longer to ignite than others. But in a wildfire, where most of the fuel is made of the same sort of material, the main variable in ignition time is the ratio of the fuel's total surface area to its volume. Since a twig's surface area is much larger than its volume, it ignites quickly. By comparison, a tree's surface area is much smaller than its volume, so it needs more time to heat up before it ignites.

As the fire progresses, it dries out the material just beyond it—heat and smoke approaching potential fuel causes the fuel's moisture to






Why is it suggested that you close your eyes and picture the beach?A.It is not complicated

Why is it suggested that you close your eyes and picture the beach?

A.It is not complicated to do so.

B.It is an area which can be easily controlled.

C.It helps beat a bad mood.

D.It brings us a new technique.



听力原文:M: What are you doing?W: We are protesting against the odor that has been coming

听力原文:M: What are you doing?

W: We are protesting against the odor that has been coming from your factory.

M: You don't have to do this. Why didn't you just call me and arrange an appointment? I'm very open to any suggestions you might have.

W: We've been trying to make an appointment with you but it seems that you have just been too busy to receive our calls. We thought this was the best way to catch your attention.

M: Well, there must have been some misunderstanding. It's the policy of our company to give priority to complaints from the public.

W: Well, what arc you going to do about it?

M: Come inside and I'm sure we can settle this in a less confrontational manner.

W: OK.

M: Now, what is the problem?

W: You have to do something about the smell coming out from your factory. You don't live in this area so you don't know how bad the smell is.

M: Well. I'll tell my people to look into the matter and see what can be done. In the meantime, I'm requesting you to remove the signs you've posted outside.

W: How long do we have to wait for an answer?

M: You'll know something this weekend.

W: You'd better solve it as soon as possible. If your reply is not satisfactory, we'll go on with our protest.

M: Very well. Here's my calling card. If you are not satisfied, you can give me a call. I'll tell my secretary to keep the lines open for your call.

W: Alright.


A.The profit-making activities of the company.

B.The smell coming out from the factory.

C.The suggestions made by the factory.

D.The refusal of an appointment with the protesters.



Why does a snow ranger use very powerful guns?A.To warn skiers of an approaching avalanche

Why does a snow ranger use very powerful guns?

A.To warn skiers of an approaching avalanche.

B.To signal for help in an emergency.

C.To make an avalanche reduce its power.

D.To communicate with the ski area"s operators.



—Why is surface subsidence most serious in this area? —Because large quantities of undergr
ound water______.

A.have pumped out

B.is being pumped out

C.has been pumped out

D.have been pumped out



分析欧洲1992年货币统一的潜在收益。欧洲可否看作最佳货币地区?为什么? Analyze the potenti
al gains from monetary union in Europe 1992.Can Europe be considered an optimum currency area?Why?

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