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听力原文:W: Billy, have you heard the latest news? It appears that we won't be laid off af

ter all.

M: Oh, somewhat I'm tired of working here anyway.

Q: What's the man's reaction to the news the woman told him?


A.He is surprised.

B.He feels very happy.

C.He is indifferent.

D.He feels very angry.

更多“听力原文:W: Billy, have you heard the latest news? It appears that we won't be laid off af”相关的问题


听力原文:W: Hi,Fred.What are you reading?M: Oh,these are just some books I picked up at a

听力原文:W: Hi,Fred.What are you reading?

M: Oh,these are just some books I picked up at a local poetry festival that was held a couple of weeks ago. Even though a lot of what the featured poets wrote wasn't in English,it was still pleasant to see that there are so many people who appreciate poetry in New Zealand.

W: I didn't know you were such a poetry lover,Fred.Personally,I've always found that stuff a little boring and hard to understand.And all that flowery language gives me a headache!I'd rather read a nice long novel any day.

M: I'll admit that poetry's an acquired taste.But once you learn more about it,you'll find that poems aren't all flower and difficult to understand--they don't even have to rhyme!

W: Then who is your favorite poet?

M: One of my favorite poets is Billy Collins,who writes really funny,fine poems in simple everyday English.

W: I'll have to look him up.Say,have you ever written any poetry of your own?Some love sonnets,perhaps?

M: No love sonnets,but I did try to write some poems a long time ago.They were all really bad.Once I spent three hours trying to come up with a word that rhymes with"panda"!

W: Silly Fred!How could you not think of my name"Amanda"?

What do we learn about the popularity of poetry in New Zealand?

A.Poetry is popular among the general public.

B.People there have no interest in poetry.

C.Poetry is the most popular literature.

D.People have no passion for writing poems.



听力原文:Mrs. Robinson had one small, son. His name was Billy. Mrs. Robinson loved Billy v

听力原文: Mrs. Robinson had one small, son. His name was Billy. Mrs. Robinson loved Billy very much, and as he was not a strong child, she was always afraid that he might get ill, so she used to take him to the best doctor in the town four times a year to be examined.

During one of these visits, the doctor gave Billy various tests and then said to him, "Have you had any trouble with your nose or ears recently?"

Billy thought for a second and then answered, "Yes, I have." Mrs. Robinson was very worried. "But I'm sure you've never told me that, Billy!" she said anxiously.

"Oh, really?" said the doctor seriously. ,And what trouble have you had with your nose and ears, my boy?"

"Well" answered Billy, "I always have trouble with them when I'm taking my sweater off, because the neck is very tight."


A.Because he was ill.

B.Because he was rather weak.

C.Because he was always afraid.

D.Because she loved him.



听力原文:Billy grabbed his fishing rod from the closet and headed for the back door. As he

听力原文: Billy grabbed his fishing rod from the closet and headed for the back door. As he went out the door, he called to his grandmother that he would be back soon. When he reached the river, he put bait on his hook and threw the line into the water. Billy didn't have any friends so he always went fishing with his grandfather. They always did the housework together first and then went fishing.

Sometimes Grandmother would pack their lunches and they would stay all afternoon. After his grandfather died, he felt lonely and very sad. He had a hard time believing that his best friend wouldn't be with him anymore.

After Billy's grandfather died he also had to do extra housework. He tried to spend time with his grandmother so that she wouldn't feel so alone. He could tell that she missed him because she cried a lot and it hurt Billy to see her cry. He kept himself busy so that he wouldn't feel so sad, but as hard as he tired, he couldn't help missing his grandfather.

Billy suddenly saw that his red was moving, he must have caught a fish! The fish on the end of the line swam wildly in the water, but Billy fought with it until finally he had the fish on the bank. It was a large trout and Grandmother would be glad to have it for dinner.

He showed her the fish and she smiled as she took it into the house to clean it. That night after he had gone to bed, Billy looked through his window at the stars and felt that his grandfather was watching over him. One bright star stood alone and seemed to twinkle brightly. Billy looked at it for a moment before he said, "Goodnight Grandfather," and went to sleep.


A.His parents.

B.His friends.

C.His grandparents.

D.His aunt and uncle.



听力原文:W: I have a blue umbrella.M: John has a black one and I have a green one. What co

听力原文:W: I have a blue umbrella.

M: John has a black one and I have a green one.

What color is the woman's umbrella?






听力原文:M: Have you a table for four?W: Certainly, sir. A comer table. What is the man do

听力原文:M: Have you a table for four?

W: Certainly, sir. A comer table.

What is the man doing?

A.Looking for a timetable.

B.Buying some furniture.

C.Reserving a table.

D.Window shopping.



听力原文:W: Have you checked that the other programmes are working properly?M: Yes, I have

听力原文:W: Have you checked that the other programmes are working properly?

M: Yes, I have. It's just this one that doesn't work. I'll have to reinstall it using the disc.

Q: What is the man trying to do?


A.Use a computer program.

B.Watch TV.

C.Install an electrical system.

D.Use a car radio.



听力原文:W: You seem to have been restless the whole day today. What's up?M: Later in the

听力原文:W: You seem to have been restless the whole day today. What's up?

M: Later in the afternoon they will announce who will get permission for the study trip to Africa.

Q: How does the man probably feel?








听力原文:W: We'll have to hurry if we want to finish this project on time.M: I'll say we w

听力原文:W: We'll have to hurry if we want to finish this project on time.

M: I'll say we will!

What does the man mean?

A.He wants to talk about the project.

B.He thinks the project is fine.

C.He agrees with the woman.

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