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听力原文:Born in 1879, in Ulm, Germany, Einstein was two years old when his parents moved

听力原文: Born in 1879, in Ulm, Germany, Einstein was two years old when his parents moved to Munich. There his father opened a business in electrical supplies. As a boy, Einstein did not learn to talk until later than others of his age, and in his early childhood he was not considered especially bright. But by the time he was 14 years old, he had taught himself advanced mathematics from textbooks. By them he knew what he wanted to be when he grew up. He wanted to be a physicist and &vote himself to research.

Einstein could not afford to pay for the advanced education he needed, because his family business had declined. Later, he and his family were forced to leave Munich to live in Milan, Italy, where they had relatives. As for him, the family did manage to send him to a technical school in Switzerland, and later to the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. In 1901, when Einstein was 22 years old, he began teaching, and in 1902, be went to work as a patent office examiner in Bern. Now able to pay his own expenses, he continued his schooling at the University of Zurich, where he received a doctor's degree in 1905. This was the period when he first began the research, which led to his famous theory of relativity.

Toward the end of his life, when Einstein was asked to explain his law of relativity to a group of young students, he said, "When you sit with a nice girl for two hours, you think it's only a minute. But when you sit on a hot stove for a minute, you think it's two hours. That is relativity."

What is Einstein's greatest contribution to human beings?

A.His teaching.

B.His theory of relativity.

C.His theory on advanced mathematics.

D.His research.

更多“听力原文:Born in 1879, in Ulm, Germany, Einstein was two years old when his parents moved”相关的问题


听力原文:I wasn't in school yesterday. I was absent. I was visiting my grandparents. They

听力原文: I wasn't in school yesterday. I was absent. I was visiting my grandparents. They have a beautiful farm in the country. The farmhouse is beautiful too. It's not very big, but it's very nice. My mother was born there. My grandfather was born there, too.

My grandparents are getting old now, but they're still working. My grandfather is about sixty. He's still farming. My grandmother is still taking care of the house. She is a very good cook. I always have a good time there. I always like to see my grandparents and I like to eat, too — especially grandmother's cookies.

Why wasn't the author in school yesterday?

A.Because he was visiting his grandparents.

B.Because he was ill.

C.Because he didn't like his teacher.



听力原文:M: Can you possibly lend me fifty dollars until pay day?W: It's Out of the questi

听力原文:M: Can you possibly lend me fifty dollars until pay day?

W: It's Out of the question. Do you think I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth?

Q: What does the woman mean?


A.She sent him a silver spoon.

B.She asked him to wait until pay day.

C.She agrees to lend him fifty dollars on pay day.

D.She doesn't consent to his request.



听力原文:M: Next. Uh, your passport, please.W: Okay.M: [23]Uh, what is the purpose of your

听力原文:M: Next. Uh, your passport, please.

W: Okay.

M: [23]Uh, what is the purpose of your visit?

W: [23]I'm here to attend a teaching convention for the fast part of my trip, and then I plan on touring the capital for a few days.

M: And where will you be staying?

W: [24]I'll be staying in a room at a hotel downtown for the entire week.

M: And uh, what do you have in your luggage?

W: [25]Uh, well, just, just my personal belongings um... clothes, a few books, and a CD player.

M: Okay. Uh, please open your bag.

W: Sure.

M: Okay... Everything's fine.

W: Great.

M: Uh, by the way, is this your first visit to the country?

W: Well, yes and no. [23]/[24]I was born here when my parents were working in the capital many years ago, but this is my first trip back since then.

M: Well, enjoy your trip.

W: Thanks.


A.Calling on her parents.


C.Business and pleasure.

D.Going back home.



听力原文:W. Lovely day, isn't it?M: Oh, yeah, beautiful.W: You're not English, are you? Ho

听力原文:W. Lovely day, isn't it?

M: Oh, yeah, beautiful.

W: You're not English, are you? How long have you been learning English?

M: No, I'm from Italy. But my mother was born and brought up in England. I have been learning English for three years now.

W: For three years? Goodness me! Your English is very good. How long are you going to stay in this country?

M: Thank you, but there's still more for me to learn. I'll stay here for another two months. Then I'll go back to Italy to start work.

W: A cousin of mine went to Italy last year. He's an engineer, you know.

M: Really? What did he think of Italy?

W: He must like it very much, because he hasn't come back yet. I hope you'll also enjoy your stay in England.

M: Thank you. I'm sure I will.

Where does the man come from?






听力原文:M: Next. Uh, your passport, please.W: Okay.M: Uh, what's the purpose of your visi

听力原文:M: Next. Uh, your passport, please.

W: Okay.

M: Uh, what's the purpose of your visit?

W: I'm here to attend a teaching convention for the first part of my trip, and then I plan on touring the capital for a few days.

M: And where will you be staying?

W: I'll be staying in a room at a hotel downtown for the entire week.

M: And uh, what do you have in your luggage?

W: Well, just, just my personal belongings um... clothes, a few books, and a CD player.

M: Okay, please open your bag.

W: Sure.

M: Okay. Everything is fine.

W: Great.

M: By the way, is this your first visit to the country?

W: Well, yes and no. I was born here when my parents were working in the capital many years ago, but this is my first trip back since then.

M: Well, enjoy your trip.

W: Thanks.


A.Calling on her parents.


C.Business and pleasure.

D.Going back home.



听力原文:M: Next. Uh, your passport, please.W: Okay.M: [23] Uh, what is the purpose of you

听力原文:M: Next. Uh, your passport, please.

W: Okay.

M: [23] Uh, what is the purpose of your visit?

W: [23] I'm here to attend a teaching convention for the first part of my trip, and then I plan on touring the capital for a few days.

M: And where will you be staying?

W: [24] I'll be staying in a room at a hotel downtown for the entire week.

M: And uh, what do you have in your luggage?

W: [25] Uh, well, just, just my personal belongings um... clothes, a few books, and a CD player.

M: Okay. Uh, please open your bag.

W: Sure.

M: Okay... Everything's fine.

W: Great.

M: Uh, by the way, is this your first visit to the country?

W: Well, yes and no. [23]/[24] I was born here when my parents were working in the capital many years ago, but this is my first trip back since then.

M: Well, enjoy your trip.

W: Thanks.


A.Calling on her parents.


C.Business and pleasure.

D.Going back home.



听力原文:M: Excuse me. Have you been waiting long?W: About ten minutes.M: Did you notice W

听力原文:M: Excuse me. Have you been waiting long?

W: About ten minutes.

M: Did you notice Whether the number seven bus has gone by?

W: Yes, it is. I wish that it would rain and cool off.

M: Me too. This is unusual for March. I don't remember it ever being so hot dry in March before.

W: You're from Florida then.

M: Not really, I was born in New York, but I've lived here for ten years now.

W: My mother and I have just moved here from Indiana.

M: Pretty cold in Indiana, isn't it?

W: Yes. That's why we moved. But we didn't know that it would be so hot here. We should have gone to California. Do you think that we've missed the bus?

M: No, it's always a little late.

W: I have twenty to one, but my watch is a little fast.

M: Don't worry. It never comes exactly on the halfhour like it should.


A.She is waiting for the man.

B.She is waiting for her mother.

C.She is waiting for a bus.

D.She is waiting for it to stop raining.



听力原文:James Anthony, who is considered to be the greatest living dramatist of the Ameri

听力原文: James Anthony, who is considered to be the greatest living dramatist of the American theater, was born in Bangor, Maine in 1921. He attended the public schools of Bangor and although he was the son of a poor European immigrant, he found a way to go to college. In 1939, he won a scholarship to the University of Maine, where he spent almost the next four years studying. I say almost, because during his last semester he was drafted into the United States Army. He spent the next three years in the army and was honorably discharged in 1945, at the close of World War Ⅱ. In the army his job was to translate French documents into English, although his best foreign language was Italian. The army, in characteristic fashion, made him a French translator and for a year he was stationed in Paris.


A.As a French translator while stationed in Paris.

B.While serving in the army.

C.As a dramatist in the American theater.

D.His college life.



听力原文:M: Is this Jenny? Sorry to catch you at this hour.W: Hey, Matt, I saw you hanging

听力原文:M: Is this Jenny? Sorry to catch you at this hour.

W: Hey, Matt, I saw you hanging around the financial office. They sure take their sweet time over there.

M: You can say that again. I was there an hour and all I needed to do is hand in a lousy application.

W: Yeah, the first week is always a lot of fun. So, what can I do for you?

M: Well, I was just going to get a bit of information on Psychology 101 with Brown. Everyone's telling me to quit that class if I hope to have even half a social life.

W: That's a bit of an exaggeration. You might find it interesting.

M: In what way?

W: Well, I used to think that much of our behavior. was conditioned by society and that we start as blanks.

M: And now you know...otherwise, do you?

W: Yeah, we are already equipped to handle many of life's experiences but the experiences also modify this program.

M: You are losing me now, Jenny. It sounds as if my friends might be right.

W: I think maybe you were born to follow whatever your friends want, a perfect example of what I meant just now. Anyway I have to go. See you in Geology.


A.In the financial Office.

B.In the library.

C.In the classroom.

D.In the dining hall.



听力原文:W: Michael, where abouts in China are you from?M: I was born in Beijing, but I li

听力原文:W: Michael, where abouts in China are you from?

M: I was born in Beijing, but I live in Shanghai now. How about yon?

W: I' m from Scotland.

M: Oh? What's it like?

W: Well, the weather is pretty cold there. Actually, most of Scotland is cold and often wet. I'm sure it's the coldest part of the British Isles.

M: Beijing is very cold in winter too, although it' s more of a dry cold, if you know what I mean. However, I like winter; it' s my favorite season. Summer is just too hot!

W: Well, I think you' re lucky to have a hot summer. Scotland' s summer is pretty miserable, wet and cold.

M: Do you think people's personalities are defined by the climate they live in?

W: Well, that's an interesting idea. I think there's definitely something in it, because when the weather is hot, I easily lose my temper, but when it's cooler, I feel much calmer.

M: If it' s raining I always feel depressed. I cry along with the weather!

W: Spring always makes me feel happy; the birds are singing and the whole atmosphere seems cheerful.

M: Hmm, I agree. I think spring is my favorite season too.

W: What about the winter blues? What are they?

M: Well, that means you' re down in the dumps, because the weather' s so gloomy and cold. You feel all sad and blue! I often get them.

W: Oh, I don' t I love winter, but I suppose you could say I get the summer reds! Because I always see red in the hot weather and get into arguments and stuff.






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