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听力原文:W: The hat is beautiful and the color is nice. How much is it?M: The original pri

听力原文:W: The hat is beautiful and the color is nice. How much is it?

M: The original price was seventy, but we have cut it down by twenty percent.

Q: How much is the hat?






更多“听力原文:W: The hat is beautiful and the color is nice. How much is it?M: The original pri”相关的问题


听力原文:W: Hello, this is the Lost and Found.M: My name is Peter Brown and I left my hat

听力原文:W: Hello, this is the Lost and Found.

M: My name is Peter Brown and I left my hat in Mr Jackson's class this morning. Do you have it?

Q: What did we learn from this conversation?


A.Peter didn't go to Mr Johnson's class.

B.Peter found a hat in Mr Johnson's class.

C.Peter lost a hat in Mr Johnson's class.

D.Peter hasn't found Mr Johnson's hat yet.



听力原文:M: That's a smart hat you are wearing.W: Thank you. My husband gave it to me for

听力原文:M: That's a smart hat you are wearing.

W: Thank you. My husband gave it to me for my 30th birthday.

Q: What did the woman say about the hat?


A.She paid $ 30.00 for the hat.

B.She bought the hat on her thirtieth birthday.

C.Her husband presented it to her as a gift.

D.Her friend sent it to her as a birthday gift.



听力原文:W: How can I get to the shopping center from here? Not the one on campus. The one

M: You can take a bus or a taxi, hat it isn't too far to walk.

Q: Whet does the man suggest the woman do?


A.Go to the shopping center on campus.

B.Walk to shopping center.

C.Take a taxi.

D.Wait for the bus.



听力原文:M: Susan just had a baby. Our colleagues will visit her tomorrow. I must take som
e gifts for her. How about a bunch of flowers?

W: Everyone brings flowers and they don't last. Baby shampoo, baby dress or baby hat and something like these may be more practical.

Q: What is the woman's opinion about the gift?


A.A bunch of flowers is not enough.

B.Flowers are practical choice.

C.Something concerning baby is more preferable.

D.Baby shampoo can last for a long time.



听力原文:W: What do you think of my new hat? M: Im sure youll never need to bring an umbr
ella with you wearing it. And besides, do you think the color is right for your age? Q: What does the man mean?1.

A.They were both busy doing their work.

B.They waited for each other at different places.

C.They went to the street corner at different times.

D.The man went to the concert, but the woman didn"t.



听力原文:M: Now, Miss Dexter. You saw the bank robbery, didn't you?W: Yes, I did.M: You sa

听力原文:M: Now, Miss Dexter. You saw the bank robbery, didn't you?

W: Yes, I did.

M: You saw a man, didn't you?

W: That's right, I saw him when he went into the bank and then he came out.

M: Now, look around the court... Can you see that man?

W: Yes, he' s the man I saw.

M: He wasn't alone when he were into the bank, was he?

W: No, he was with a woman.

M: Now, look around the court again, can you see that woman?

W: Yes, there! She's the woman I saw.

M: I see, Miss Dexter. Now look at the man and woman again. This is very important. Are you absolutely sure about them?

W: Absolutely sure. They're the people I saw.

M: Now, Miss Dexter. What was the man wearing when he went into the bank?

W: I don't remember everything...But I remember his hat and his bag.

M: Look at the hat on the table. Is that the hat?

W: Yes, that's the hat he was wearing.

M: ...and the bag?

W: Yes, that's the bag he was carrying.

M: Do you remember anything about the woman?

W: Yes. She was wearing a blonde wig and black platform. shoes.

M: How do you know it was a wig, Miss Dexter?

W: Because it fell off when she was running to the car.

M: Look at the wig on the table. Is that the wig?

W: Yes, that's the wigs she was wearing.

M: ... and the shoes, look at the shoes.

W: Yes, they're the shoes she was wearing.

M: Thank you, Miss Dexter.


A.Lawyer and witness.

B.Lawyer and suspect

C.Judge and witness.

D.Juryman and witness.



听力原文:W: Welcome to our shop. Can I help you, sir?M: Good afternoon. I'm just looking a

听力原文:W: Welcome to our shop. Can I help you, sir?

M: Good afternoon. I'm just looking around.

W: I see. I'd be happy to show you around and explain some of our articles to you, if you like.

M: That will be nice. Do you sell toys? I want to buy one for my son's birthday.

W: Oh, we have a good variety here. What kind would you like?

M: I guess something moderate in size and color.

W: How about this one?

M: It's nice. I'll take it.

W: Is there anything else you want to buy?

M: Yes. I'd like to buy a gift for my father. Could you give me some advice?

W: Of course. Does he have any preference?

M: I think he would be happy to see something typically Chinese.

W: What about this hat? It's our traditional design.

M: Oh, yes, this is what I want to buy.

W: What color does he like? We have black, blue and grey.

M: Black, please. How much does it cost?

W: Sixty Yuan.

M: It's not too expensive, Do you accept credit cards?

W: Yes, we do.

What did the man want to buy?

A.A gift for his mother.

B.A gift for his grandmother.

C.A gift for his father.

D.A gift for his grandfather.



听力原文:M: Hi, Emily, what do you think of our class in Children’s Literature?W: It looks

听力原文:M: Hi, Emily, what do you think of our class in Children’s Literature?

W: It looks pretty good. Are you also majoring in Elementary Education?

M: Yes, I can use this to fulfill the requirement in my course.

W: Have you finished the first assignment yet?

M: Not yet, I just bought the book today. How about you?

W: I started this afternoon. It’s great fun reading those wonderful children stories by Doctor Brown.

M: Doctor Brown? I don’t remember seeing his name on the reading list.

W: His full name is Jonathan Brown Smith. You can find this name on the reading list. Doctor Brown is his pen name.

M: I love reading those stories as a child. It’ll be interesting to read them now from a different point of view. I guess they’ll give me a good idea of how children think.

W: Those stories are also great for classroom use.

M: How is that?

W: Well, take a typical Doctor Brown’s book like The Cat in the Hat. It has a controlled vocabulary of only two hundred words.

M: So that means the children get lots of practice using a small number of words over and over.

W: Exactly. In fact, The Cat in the Hat was written mainly to show how a controlled vocabulary reader could also be interesting and fun.

M: It sounds as though this course is also going to be interesting and fun. I think I’ll get started on those readings tonight.


A.Children Literature.

B.American Literature.


D.Elementary Education.



听力原文:M: Hi, Helen, what do you think of our class in Children' s Literature?W: It look

听力原文:M: Hi, Helen, what do you think of our class in Children' s Literature?

W: It looks pretty good. Are you also majoring in Elementary Education?

M: Yes. I can use this to fulfill the requirement in my course.

W: Have you finished the first assignment yet?

M: Not yet. I just bought the books today. How about you?

W: I started this afternoon. It' s great fun reading those wonderful children stories by Doctor Seuss.

M: Doctor Seuss? I don't remember seeing his name on the reading list.

W: His full name' s Theodore Seuss Geisel. You can find this name on the reading list. Doctor Seuss is his pen name.

M: I love reading those stories as a child. It' Il be interesting to read them now from a different point of view. I guess they'll give me a good idea of how children think.

W: Those stories are also great for classroom use.

M: How' s that?

W: Well, take a typical Doctor Seuss' book like The Cat in the Hat. It has controlled vocabulary of only two hundred words.

M: So that means the children get lots of practice using a small number of words over and over.

W: Exactly. hi fact The Cat in the Hat was written mainly to show how a controlled vocabulary reader could also , be interesting and fun.

M: Well, it sounds as though this course is also going to be interesting and fun. I think I'll get started on those readings tonight.

What is Helen' s major field of study?

A.Children' s Literature.

B.American Literature.


D.Elementary Education.



听力原文:W: Hi, Larry, are you waiting to see Professor Jamison, too?M: Yah, since I got o

听力原文:W: Hi, Larry, are you waiting to see Professor Jamison, too?

M: Yah, since I got one of the five highest grades in her managerial economics class, she asked me if I'd be interested in working as her assistant next semester. I'm here now for my interview.

W: Oh, yes. I know all about that job. 1 did it two years ago (22) .

M: Really? Did you like it?

W: I think it was the best I've had at school It paid eight dollars an hour, which was three dollars an hour more than I got working at the school post office the year before (23) . hat is a good salary. What did you do?

W: I was in charge of grading all the problem sets that were assigned as homework (25) . I never had trouble doing it, and of course, Prof. Jamison was always available to help me if I had any questions.

M: I think I'd enjoy doing that sort of work. It would be very good experience for anyone thinking about becoming a teacher.

W: Absolutely. You also learn how to use the computer data base, because the records are kept on it, And building up your computer skills is a good preparation for lots of jobs.

M: The job sounds great, but I'm a little worried about how much time it might take (24) ?

W: It's pretty reasonable. It never took me more than five hours a week to do all the grading and then another thirty to forty minutes to record the grades on the computer.

M: That sounds manageable I guess you can do the work when it fits into your own schedule, too, can't you?

W: Oh, yah, you can do the grading in you room or in the library. You just need to get each set back for the next class, but that means you always have at least two days and sometimes four.

M: It sounds great.

W: Good luck with your interview.


A.She is Professor Jamison's nephew.

B.She is working for Professor Jamison.

C.She used to do the job herself.

D.She just finished interview for the job.

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