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Before you can make it anywhere,you have to make it there.

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段落翻译: Before you make up your mind about which...

段落翻译: Before you make up your mind about which way to go, take a hard, honest look at your motivation for starting a company. Too many people are looking to get rich, escape the corporate grind, and work shorter hours with more free time. None of those reasons is likely to lead to success. If you are focused on solving a customer problem or need, believe you can do what you do better than anyone else, dying to work long hours, wear many hates, and juggle endless responsibilities, then you have the right startup mindset. You also need certain personality traits. One of them is a willingness to work very hard all by yourself, at least for the first year or so (and possibly longer).



听力原文:M: I have had trouble with my mobile phone since I bought it. I think I must go t
o the complaint department to solve the problem.

W: I have had a similar problem with you before, but later it turned out that I hadn't followed the instructions. Maybe, you can make a check before going to the store.

Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?


A.Repair the phone by himself.

B.See whether he has followed the instructions.

C.Calm himself down before going to the store.

D.Write a chock when buying a phone in the store.



听力原文:W: I want to know if it is possible to see the apartment before we rent it?M: You

听力原文:W: I want to know if it is possible to see the apartment before we rent it?

M: You bet, it's vacant.

Q: What does the man mean?


A.No one lives there now.

B.You can see it after your vacation.

C.You'd better make an appointment.

D.It's a beautiful place.



Wise buying is a positive way in which you can make your money go further. The way you g
o about purchasing an article or a service can actually 1 you money or can add to the cost. Take the 2 example of a hairdryer. If you are buying a hairdryer, you might think that you are making the 3 buy if you choose one whose look you like and which is also the cheapest 4 price. But when you get it home you may find that it takes twice as long as a more expensive 5 to dry your hair.The cost of the electricity plus the cost of your time could well make your hairdryer the most expensive one of all.

So what principles should you 6 when you go out shopping? If you keep your home, your car or any valuable 7 in excellent condition, you&39;ll be saving money in the long run. Before you buy a new 8 , talk to someone who owns one .If you can, use it or borrow it to check it suits your particular purpose. Before you buy an expensive 9 , or a service, do check the price and what is on offer. If possible, choose 10 three items or three estimates.


















听力原文:W: Just a few reminders are necessary before you climb in. First, make sure you a
re properly grounded at the shore.

M: What do you mean by that?

W: I mean your canoe should be secure enough so that the moment you get in it, it doesn't float away on you.

M: But you wouldn't want it to be too grounded, would you? Otherwise, it's a lot of work to push it from the shore.

W: Right, so try to have it parked securely enough that a simple shove from your paddle is all it takes to get you offshore.

M: What if the currents keep pushing you back to shore, after you've pushed off?

W: In that case, you may wish to "go with the flow" and let it glide you along the edges until you come across an area where you can push towards the center.

M: OK, got it. So, can we get in and get going? I am dying to try out an Eskimo roll.

W: All right, but there are still some other tips I have to remind you of. For example, do you remember what you should never do when you're pushing off?

M: Yeah, I remember. Never lean forward. Always lean away from the shore. Let's just get out there so I can practice my Eskimo roll.

W: Come on Stan, as they say--walk before you run.

M: See you on the other side of the shore.

W: OK. Good luck!

M: Thank you again!


A.To make sure you are standing firmly enough at the shore.

B.To make sure you are properly equipped.

C.To make sure you are properly grounded at the shore.

D.To make sure you are properly grounded off the shore.



根据以下材料,回答题How to Argue with Your Boss(1) Before you argue with your boss, check w


How to Argue with Your Boss

(1) Before you argue with your boss, check with the boss"s secretary to determine his mood. if he ate nails for breakfast, it is not a good idea to ask him for something, even without the boss"s secretary, they are keys to timing: don"t approach the boss when he"s on deadline; don"t go in right before lunch, when he is apt to be distracted and rushed; don"t go in just before or after he has taken a vacation.

(2) If you"re mad, that will only make your boss mad. Calm down first, and don"t let a particular concern open the floodgates for all your accumulated frustration. The boss will feel that you think negatively about the company and it is hopeless trying to change your mind. then,maybe he will dismiss you.

(3) Terrible disputes can result when neither the employer nor the employee knows what is the problem the other wants to discuss. Sometimes the fight will go away when the issues are made clear, the employee has to get his point across clearly in order to make the boss understand it.

(4) Your boss has enough on his mind without your adding more. If you can"t put forward an immediate solution, at least suggest how to approach the problem. People who frequently present problems without solutions to their bosses may soon find they can"t get past the secretary.

(5) To deal effectively with a boss, it"s important to consider his goals and pressures, if you can put yourself in the position of being a partner to the boss, then he will be naturally more inclined to work with you to achieve your goals.

Paragraph 2__________. 查看材料

A.Keep your voice low all the time

B.Put yourself in the boss"s position

C.Propose your solution

D.Don"t go in when you are angry

E.Make the issue clear

F.Never give in



Wise buying is a positive way in which you can make your money go further. The【B1】you go a
bout purchasing an article or a service can actually【B2】you money or can add【B3】the cost.

Take the【B4】example of a hairdryer. If you are buying a hairdryer, you might【B5】you are making the【B6】buy if you choose one【B7】look you like and which is also the cheapest【B8】price. But when you get it home you may find that it【B9】twice as long as a more expensive【B10】to dry your hair. The cost of the electricity plus the cost of your time could well【B11】your hairdryer the most expensive one of all.

So what principles should you【B12】when you go out shopping? If you【B13】your home, your car or any valuable【B14】in excellent condition, you'll be saving money in the long【B15】.

Before you buy a new【B16】, talk to someone who owns one. If you can, use it or borrow it to check it suits your particular【B17】.

Before you buy an expensive【B18】,or a service, do check the price and【B19】is on offer. If possible, choose【B20】three items or three estimates.








Wise buying is a positive way in which you can make your money go further. The【C1】______yo
u go about purchasing an article or a service can actually【C2】______you money or can add【C3】______the cost.

Take the【C4】______example of a hairdryer. If you are buying a hairdryer, you might【C5】______that you are making the【C6】______buy if you choose one【C7】______look you like and which is also the cheapest【C8】______price. But when you get it home you may find that it【C9】______twice as long as a more expensive【C10】______to dry your hair. The cost of the electricity plus the cost of your time could well【C11】______your hairdryer the most expensive one of all.

So what principles should you【C12】______when you go out shopping?

If you【C13】______your home, your car or any valuable【C14】______in excellent condition, you'll be saving money in the long【C15】______

Before you buy a new【C16】______, talk to someone who owns one. If you can, use it or borrow it to check it suits your particular【C17】______

Before you buy an expensive【C18】______, or a service, do check the price and【C19】______is on offer. If possible, choose【C20】______three items or three estimates.








听力原文:M: Mary doesn't want me to take the job. She says our child is too young. And the
job requires much traveling.

W: You should talk to her again and see if you can find a way out. Think about the gains and losses before you make the decision.

What do we learn from the conversation?

A.The man is thinking about taking a new job.

B.The man likes a job that enables him to travel.

C.The man is sure that he will gain more by taking the job.

D.The man doesn't want to stay home and take care of their child.



听力原文:Congratulations, everybody. Welcome to our university. The starting of the univer

听力原文: Congratulations, everybody. Welcome to our university. The starting of the university can be ex- citing on the one hand, and can also be worrying on the other. No matter how you are going to learn, you have to make plans. In the first few months, spend some time walking around the university and find out what it is like. Do your best to get used to living here and get to know your professors and classmates. Try to understand what our university expects of you will help you to become clear about your own goals. During this time you have of course to study hard to pass the exams. But what's more important for you is to put some energy into learning how to learn. Thinking about what you want from the university and how you can reach your goals. You should have some difficulties in your studies and learning is not always pleasant journey. Some of you may find your studies are not exciting and are thinking of stopping learning. In this case, just think it over before you make the decision. For learning is so important that it will change your future life. Our university can answer your real learning if you can make up your mind to go through with it. This is what I like to say to you at the moment. If you still have any questions, please come to my office. Thank you.

What's about the starting of the university?

A.Exciting and worrying.

B.Exciting and willing.

C.Worrying and depressing.


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