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If I had known you were coming to visit,I _____ you at the airport .A.would have metB.

If I had known you were coming to visit,I _____ you at the airport .

A.would have met

B.will meet

C.must meet

D.shall meet

更多“If I had known you were coming to visit,I _____ you at the airport .A.would have metB.”相关的问题


听力原文:M: There was a party on our school campus Sunday evening. Did you goW: Had I know

听力原文:M: There was a party on our school campus Sunday evening. Did you go

W: Had I known about the party, I would have been present for it.

Q: What do we learn about the woman?


A.She went to the party without knowing it.

B.She was invited to the party,

C.She was present for the party.

D.She was absent from the party.



听力原文:W: You must have forgotten the meeting. I didn't see you last night.M: Everybody

听力原文:W: You must have forgotten the meeting. I didn't see you last night.

M: Everybody says that to me and they think I have a bad memory. In fact I would have come to the meeting if I had known about it.

Q: What does the man wean?


A.He has forgotten the meeting.

B.He has a bad memory.

C.He didn't get the message about the meeting.

D.He didn't want to attend the meeting.



听力原文:W: You have a beautiful backyard. How de you do it?M: Well, it does take time and

听力原文:W: You have a beautiful backyard. How de you do it?

M: Well, it does take time and patience. But I've also got a few secrets.

W: What do I have to do to get you to reveal your secrets? You know if I had the money, I'd just hire a gardener.

M: No, you needn't do that. Working in the yard is file greatest form. of relaxation I know of!

W: You're kidding?! I would never have planted so many trees if 1 had known how much work they'd require.

M: You see, that's your problem. Your attitude is all wrong. You've got to love working in the backyard—that's my secret! W: What kind of secret is that? I expected a special type of gardening tool.

M: No, any tool will de the job. It's all in the mind.

W: I can't believe what you're saying. Let me see if I understand this: If I had a better feeling about my work in the garden, everything would be wonderful, I'd have healthy plants like yours.

M: Yes, that's it. You've got it!

W: Look, can I borrow the tea you are drinking? Because, to tell you the truth, I think you're crazy!

M: Oh, Linda, we live in modem times, but the old farmers know you reap what you put into the land.

W: On second thought, I think I'll just pay a gardener.

M: That won't work.

W: Why not?

M: Because he has to enjoy his gardening...

W: Please, James, thank you very much for your advice. But, don't start it again!


A.She'd hire a gardener.

B.She'd hire the woman.

C.She'd plant more trees.

D.she will work in his yard.



听力原文:M: What do you plan to do for Christmas?W: No concrete plan.but I think I'll most

听力原文: M: What do you plan to do for Christmas?

W: No concrete plan.but I think I'll most likely go skiing in Califomia.

M: I heard you are very good at skiing.Believe it or not.I haven't done any skiing in my life.I wish I could ski just like you.

W: Yeah,you could if you had a try.You know,skiing is my favorite sport and the only reason I like it so much is because it gives me great pleasure to speed through the snow.

M: My parents and I vacationed in Heavenly Ski Resort when I was little and I remembered we had great time going hiking.Now I feel like going back again.

W: Well,since we have two weeks'break for Christmas,you can spend a few days in California and I can give you lessons on skiing. That would give you some basics and hopefully you can ski like a professional in a few days.

M: Ski like a professional?No way.Actually,you do have a good point,I could spend some time in California and head back home for Christmas.Perhaps you could spend Christmas at my place too.My parents would like to meet you.

W: That would be great,since my folks will be in Europe for Christmas and New Year.

M: Oh.I can't wait to learn how to ski.

W: And you can bet I will be a very strict instructor.

M: No problem.I have been known to be an excellent student during my school year.

W: Well,maybe you won't be this time.

Why does the woman like skiing so much?

A.She likes to do some extreme sports.

B.She get much pleasure from skiing.

C.She was influenced by her parents.

D.She can show off her skiing skills.



听力原文:W: Didn't you write a paper about Albert Kahn last semester?M: Yes.for my history

听力原文:W: Didn't you write a paper about Albert Kahn last semester?

M: Yes.for my history of architecture class.

W: Oh,I am taking it now andI have to do some research on industrial architecture.I need to read up on Kahn's factories. So I would like to see what you wrote about them.

M: I don't think my paper will help;I focus on his classical design like Clements library and office buildings. but you are interested in the modem building he is famous for.

W: Yes,he is best known for his factory,especially the auto plants in Detroit.He made a breakthrough in industrial design.You know before his time,factories were so narrow and inefficient,but his factory provided enough light and air and open space. So the cars could be assembled in one huge plant.

M: I remember reading that previously.factories had wooden frames and the heavy machinery made the buildings vibrate and there were fire hazards too.But when Kahn started to design auto plants around the turn of the century,reinforced concrete had just been invented.With the reinforced concrete,not only were the buildings solid and fireproof but they were cheap to put up too!

W: You seem to know a lot of about his industrial career.

M: Actually even though I wrote about his other works,I did a lot of background reading.Let me see if I can dig up that paper for you.There were some books of articles included in my bibliography that you might want to look up at the library.

W: Thank you.It will be a great help for me.


A.She needs to do some research on industrial architecture.

B.Albert Kahn is the woman's most-respected architect.

C.She is interested in his classical design and industrial design.

D.Albert Kahn designed many grand factories all over the world.



听力原文:W: Oh I wish we had taken the lift.M: If I had known it was so far up , I wouldn'

听力原文:W: Oh I wish we had taken the lift.

M: If I had known it was so far up , I wouldn't have suggested walking.

What are the speakers doing?

A.Walking down a hill.

B.Climbing stairs.

C.Discussing a trip.



听力原文:M: What do you plan to do for Christmas?W: No concrete plan, but I think I'll mos

听力原文:M: What do you plan to do for Christmas?

W: No concrete plan, but I think I'll most likely go skiing in Montana and spend a few days in the mountains doing cross-country skiing.

M: I heard you are very good at skiing. Believe it or not, I haven't done any skiing in my life. I wish I could ski just like you.

W: Yeah, you could if you gave it a shot. You know, skiing is my love and the only reason I like it so much is because it gives me great pleasure to speed through the snow.

M: My parents and I vacationed in Montana National Park when I was little and I remembered we had great time going hiking. Now I feel like going back again.

W: Well, since we have two weeks' break for Christmas, you can spend a few days in Montana and I can give you lessons on skiing. That would give you some basics and hopefully you can ski like a professional in a few days.

M: Ski like a professional? No way. Actually, you do have a good point. I could spend some time in Montana and head back home for Christmas. Perhaps you could spend Christmas at my place too. My parents would like to meet you.

W: That would be great, since my folks will be in Jamaica for Christmas and New Year.

M: Oh, I am anxious to learn how to ski.

W: And you can bet I will be a very strict instructor.

M: No problem. I have been known to be an excellent student during my school year.

W: Well, maybe you won't be this time.

M: Really? I am looking forward to it now.

W: OK. Then, let's wait and see.


A.The pleasure of skiing.

B.The Montana National Park.

C.How to learn to ski.

D.How to spend the Christmas holiday.



If I had known your address,I () to you.
If I had known your address,I () to you.

A.would have written to you

B.would write to you

C.wil1 have written to you

D.Will write to you



听力原文:W: Oh, dear. I wish I had taken the lift.M: If I had known it was so far up, 1 wo

听力原文:W: Oh, dear. I wish I had taken the lift.

M: If I had known it was so far up, 1 wouldn't have suggested walking.

What are the two speakers doing?

A.Walking down a hill.

B.Climbing stairs.

C.Discussing a trip.



听力原文:M: Hello, Nick Brown speaking.W: Nick, this is Helen. How are you?M: Oh, hello, H

听力原文:M: Hello, Nick Brown speaking.

W: Nick, this is Helen. How are you?

M: Oh, hello, Helen. I'm fine. I've got to come across to the States next week to visit a customer in Boston. I'd like to take the opportunity of stopping over in New York to check out the arrangements for the Electronic Exhibition.

W: Oh, that would be fine. When are you planning to be here?

M: My appointment in Boston is on Tuesday next week, so I'll be passing through New York on Monday. My plane gets in early afternoon so I'd like to see the exhibition center during the afternoon, and then discuss the final arrangements with you, and perhaps see the restaurant where we're planning to hold the reception.

W: I see. Well, let me check my, calendar ... Ah, I'm afraid Monday's a problem for me next week, Nick.

M: Oh, well, that's a pity. What about your assistant, what's his name?

W: You mean Gregg ... Gregg Anderson. Yes, he might be free, but I'll have to check with him.

M: Good. My plane gets into JFK round about two o'clock, so I'll fax you with the details and then perhaps you could confirm whether someone can meet me.

W: We'll do our best, but we have an awful lot going on right now. It's a very busy time of year for us.

M: Yes, I understand, but it would be a shame not to meet up while I'm over.

W: Oh, yes, of course. I just wish we had known about it a little sooner.

M: Well, I'm sorry about that, but this trip's only just come up. Anyway, thanks very much. It's nice to talk to you. I look forward to seeing you next week.

W: Ok, Nick. Bye.

M: Bye.


A.To see a customer.

B.To check out the arrangements for the exhibition.

C.To see Gregg Anderson.

D.To sign a contract.

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