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I heard many parents complaining that their teenage children are rebelling, I wish it were so.

At your age you ought to be growing away from your parents. You should be learning to stand on your own two feet.__________(46) It seems that teenagers are taking the same way of showing that they disagree with their parents. Instead of striking out boldly on their own, most of them are clutching at one another"s hands for reassurance.

They claim they want to dress as they please. BUt they all wear the same clothes. They set off in new directions in music.__________(47) Their reason for thinking or acting in thus-and-such a way is that the crowd is doing it. They have come out of their cocoon(蚕茧) ——into a larger cocoon.

It has become harder and harder for a teenager to stand up against the popularity wave and to go his or her own way. Industry has firmly carved out a teenage market. __________(48) And many of today"s parents have come to award high marks for the popularity of their children. All this adds up to a great barrier for the teenager who wants to find his or her own path.

But the barrier is worth climbing over. The path is worth following. You may want to listen to classical music instead of going to a party. You may want to collect rocks when everyone else is collecting records.__________ (49) Well, go to it. Find yourself. Be yourself. Popularity will come with the people who respect you for who you are. __________ (50).

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A.Most teenagers claim that they want to do what they like to, but they are actually doing the same.

B.That"s the only kind of popularity that really counts.

C.But some how they all end up crowded round listening to the same record.

D.You may have some thoughts that you don"t care to share at once with your classmates.

E.These days every teenager can learn from the advertisements what a teenager should have and be.

F.But take a good look at the present rebellion.



下面的短文有l5处空白,请根据短文内容为每处空白确定1个最佳选项。 School LunchResearch has sh


School Lunch

Research has shown that over half the children in Britain who take their own lunches to school do not eat __________ (51) in the middle of the day. In Britain schools have to __________(52)meals at lunchtime. Children can__________(53) to bring their own food or have lunch at the school canteen.

One shocking finding of this research is that school meals are much __________ (54) than lun-ches prepared by parents. There are strict__________(55) for the preparation of school meals,which have to include one __________(56) of fruit and one of vegetables, as well as meat, a dairy item and starchy food like bread or pasta. Lunchboxes __________(57 ) by researchers contained sweet drinks, crisps and chocolate bars. Children__________(58) twice as much sugar as they should at lunchtime.

The research will__________ (59) a better understanding of why the percentage of overweight students in Britain has__________ (60) in the last decade. Unfortunately, the government cannot__________(61) parents, but it can remind them of the__________ (62) value of milk, fruit and veg-etables. Small changes in their children"s diet can__________(63)their future health. Children can easily develop bad eating__________(64) at this age, and parents are the only ones who can __________ (65)it.

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下面的短文有15处空白,请根据短文内容为每处空白确定l个最佳选项。 A Powerful InfluenceThere


A Powerful Influence

There can be no doubt at all that the Internet has made a huge difference to our lives. Parents are worried that children spend too much time playing on the Internet, hardly __________(51) doing anything else in their spare time. Naturally, parents are__________(52) to find out why the Internet is so attractive, and they want to know if it can be __________(53) for their children. Should parents worry if their children are spending that much time__________(54)their computers?

Obviously, if children are bent over their computers for hours, absorbed__________(55 ) some game, instead of doing their homework, then something is wrong. Parents and children could decide how much use the child should __________ (56) use of the Internet, and the child should give his or her__________(57) that it won&39;t interfere with homework. If the child is not__________(58 ) to this arrangement, the parent can take more drastic__________(59) dealing with a child&39;s use of the Internet is not much different from__________ (60) any other soft of bargain about behaviour.

Any parent who is__________(61)alarmed about a child&39;s behaviour should make an appointment to__________(62) the matter with a teacher. Spending time in front of the screen does not necessarily __________(63) a child&39;s performance at school. Even if a child is__________ (64) crazy about using the Internet,he or she is probably just__________(65)through a phase, and in a few months there will.be something else to worry about!

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下面的短文有15处空白,请根据短文内容为每处空白确定1个最佳选项。 Federal Deposit Insurance C


Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Before 1933, and particularly during the period 1929——1933, bank failures were not uncommon._________(51) a bank overextended itself in creating credit or if several of its important loans could not be _________(52), depositors in the bank would frequently become panicky and begin to make large withdrawals. _________(53) the bank had only a small number of its deposits backed by currency, the bank would soon be unable to meet withdrawals, and most depositors _________(54) their money. Most frequently a bank merely needed time to improve its cash position by _________(55)some of its loans and not making additional ones. In 1933, the number of bank failures _________(56)a peak, forcing the federal government to intervene and_________(57) the banks temporarily. To help restore the public"s confidence_________ (58) banks and strengthen the banking community, Congress passed legislation setting up the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. _________(59) corporation, an agency of the federal government,now insures over 90 percent of all mutual savings and commercial bank deposits for _________ (60)$ 100,000 per deposit. The FDIC has _________(61)its insurance fund by charging member in-stitutions one-twelfth of 1 percent of their total deposits.

As a result of the protection provided by the FDIC and through other kinds of supervision,bank failures have been _________(62) to a few isolated instances. When deposits are federally insured, people_________(63) rush to withdraw their money if they_________(64) the financial condition of their bank. The delay gives the banks the necessary time to adjust their cash credit balance, and this action helps to reduce the _________(65) of bankruptcy.

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B.Even if






Stars in Their Eyes

The Scientific American Book of the Cosmos edited by David Levy, Macmillan, £20, ISBN 0333782933

Previous generations of seientists would have killed to know what we know. For the first time in history, we have a pretty good idea of the material content of the Universe, our position within it and how the whole thing came into being.

In these times of exploding knowledge there is a definite need to take stock and assemble what we know in a palatable (受欢迎的) form_________(46)

The essays in The Scientific American Book of the Cosmos have been selected by David Levy,co-discoverer of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, which in 1994 struck Jupiter with the violenee of several full-scale nuclear wars. _________(47) This is certainly a great collection of essays, but it is not, as the book promises, a seamless (完美的,无缝隙的) synthesis of our current knowledge.

Nobody can fault the range of articles Levy has included. There are essays on the planets,moons and assorted debris (碎片) in the Solar System, and on our Galaxy, the Milky Way. _________(48)

The contributors, too, are stars in their own fields. Not many books can boast eha"pters written by such giants as Erwin Sehrodinger and Francis Crick. My personal favorites are a piercingly clear essay by Albert Einstein on general relativity and an article by Alan Guth and Paul Stein- hardt on the inflationary (膨胀的) Universe.

So much for the book"s content. But Levy has not succeeded in providing an accurate synthe-sis of our current knowledge of the eosmos, which the book jacket promises. Gathering together previously published articles inevitably leaves subject gaps, missing explanations and so on._________ (49) But there isn"t one. In fact, surprisingly for a book so densely packed with infor-mation, there is no index.

Collecting essays in this way is clearly a good publishing wheeze (巧妙的注意). But this approach shortchanges the public, who would be better served by an account moulded into a seamless whole._________(50) However, for the next edition, please, please can we have an index?

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A.Tegmark fears he may hold the record for the longest time taken to read one book.

B.In a more positive vein, this is a wonderful collection of essays to dip in and out of if you already have a good overview (概述) of current cosmic understanding.

C.Levy is an active astronomer and an accomplished writer, so you"d expect him to provide a broad and accurate picture of our current understanding of the cosmos.

D.Scientific American has attempted to cater to this need by bringing together essays that have appeared in the magazine.

E.To some extent, these could have been plugged with a glossary (词表). of terms.

F.Also included are contributions on the world of subatomic particles, the origin of life on the Earth and the possibility of its existence elsewhere.



简答题:根据所给材料回答问题。 某学术期刊为双月刊,A4开本0 2014年第3期初校样送到编辑部后,编


某学术期刊为双月刊,A4开本0 2014年第3期初校样送到编辑部后,编辑张骏发现,一篇双栏排文章末尾有五号字8行,小五号字1 5行(可折合通栏11行五号字),但占了第33页整个页面,而第54页下方的空白可以排通栏11行五号字。于是,张骏建议既不缩减这篇文章的信息量,也不 改变其字号和行距,而是通过适当的技术处理将其末尾的文字转页排到54页下方,从而可缩减1面校样。这样,对其他已经基本排满的页面就可不再调整,只要改 一下某些页面的页码。同时,张骏还发现这篇文章的“参考文献”在著录形式上有不符合国家标准之处,需要改正。编辑部主任同意张骏的建议。


简答题:根据所给材料回答问题。 某学术期刊为双月刊,A4开本0 2014年第3期初校样送到编辑部后,

简答题:根据所给材料回答问题。 某学术期刊为双月刊,A4开本0 2014年第3期初校样送到编辑部后,

简答题:根据所给材料回答问题。 某学术期刊为双月刊,A4开本0 2014年第3期初校样送到编辑部后,



片断阅读理解三、片断阅读理解:共5 题。要求你阅读以下片断短文,并根据短文的内容回答问题。第56题:

片断阅读理解三、片断阅读理解:共5 题。要求你阅读以下片断短文,并根据短文的内容回答问题。

第56题:有一对夫妻,他们有一个儿子。一天,来了一个陌生人,他说他认识这对夫妻,还说他认识这对夫妻的儿子。 最能准确地复述这段话的意思的是

A、 新来的人认识这对夫妻和他们的儿子 B、 新来的陌生人认识这对夫妻和他们的儿子 C、 新来的陌生人认识这对夫妻和他的儿子 D、 新来的陌生人自称认识这对夫妻和他们的儿子



根据短文内容,回答 61~65 题:{Page} 共用选项: 第 61 题 Marian_______.

根据短文内容,回答 61~65 题:{Page}根据短文内容,回答 61~65 题:{Page} 共用选项: 第 61 题 Marian______

根据短文内容,回答 61~65 题:{Page} 共用选项: 第 61 题 Marian______


根据短文内容,回答 61~65 题:{Page} 共用选项: 第 61 题 Marian______

第 61 题 Marian _______.



根据下面短文,回答 11~13 题 第 11 题 赞成文理分科的理由是“术业有专攻”,下面直接对此进

根据下面短文,回答 11~13 题

根据下面短文,回答 11~13 题 第 11 题 赞成文理分科的理由是“术业有专攻”,下面直接对此进

第 11 题 赞成文理分科的理由是“术业有专攻”,下面直接对此进行批驳的一项是()。







阅读下面短文。回答 17~20 题。 第 17 题 根据对第二段的内容分析,下列判断全对的一项是(

阅读下面短文。回答 17~20 题。

阅读下面短文。回答 17~20 题。 第 17 题 根据对第二段的内容分析,下列判断全对的一项是(阅

第 17 题 根据对第二段的内容分析,下列判断全对的一项是()。

阅读下面短文。回答 17~20 题。 第 17 题 根据对第二段的内容分析,下列判断全对的一项是(阅



阅读下面短文,回答 21~24 题。 第 21 题 根据文意,对第二段中画线的句子理解不正确的一项

阅读下面短文,回答 21~24 题。

阅读下面短文,回答 21~24 题。 第 21 题 根据文意,对第二段中画线的句子理解不正确的一项阅

第 21 题 根据文意,对第二段中画线的句子理解不正确的一项是()。

阅读下面短文,回答 21~24 题。 第 21 题 根据文意,对第二段中画线的句子理解不正确的一项阅

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