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Police can have access to many students' online profiles due to______.A.students' casual a

Police can have access to many students' online profiles due to______.

A.students' casual attitude to private information

B.the technical support offered by the websites

C.the approval given by the students themselves

D.the special right granted by the government

更多“Police can have access to many students' online profiles due to______.A.students' casual a”相关的问题


A.They feel safe because malls have police station of private security guards.B.They c

A.They feel safe because malls have police station of private security guards.

B.They can be served free meals after doing shopping.

C.They can do about everything at malls.

D.The weather inside is always fine.



From this passage we know that______.A.every American cannot have gunsB.only soldiers and

From this passage we know that______.

A.every American cannot have guns

B.only soldiers and police can have guns

C.every American citizen can own guns

D.teachers have no money to buy guns



Which of the following can be learned from the passage?A.The Hope Foundation could have do

Which of the following can be learned from the passage?

A.The Hope Foundation could have done more to help the woman.

B.The police are determined to find the mother.

C.The mother gave up her baby because she is homeless.

D.The mother was eager to hide her identity.



听力原文:W: Good morning, Sir. What's wrong with you?M: I have a bad cold, and I can't sle

听力原文:W: Good morning, Sir. What's wrong with you?

M: I have a bad cold, and I can't sleep well.

Where are they talking?

A.In a hospital.

B.In a restaurant.

C.In a police station.



听力原文:Ann: Ben! You can't park here! There's a double yellow line.Ben: Oh, we'll be bac

听力原文:Ann : Ben! You can't park here! There's a double yellow line.

Ben : Oh, we'll be back in a few minutes. It's OK.

Ann : Oh, no, it isn't. You'll get a parking ticket if you park here.

Bell : No, I won't. It's half past five. All the wardens have gone home.

Ann : Ben!

Ben : Yes?

Warden : Is this your car, sir?

Ben : Oil, My! Well, I'm sorry, sir. I'm just looking for a ear pork around.

Ann : Yes, he is. And he doesn't know the way well. But can you tell us where we can find a parking space near here, sir?

Warden : There's one an the comer of the second block. But don't park your car by the roadside next time, sir.

Ann : No, no, we won't. Thank you very much, sir.

Ben : You're really good, Ann! But we have to hurry, I'm afraid. We must get back before 6. Ann : But you mustn't drive too fast.

Ben : Take it easy, Ann. Don't be anxious.

Ann : Look, Bea! A police car is following...

Policeman: Excuse me, sir. May I see your licence?

Ben : Of course, sir, Well, I'm sorry I've left it at home.

Policeman: In that case, you'll have to take it to the police station within five days.

Ben : But... but why?

Policeman: You were speeding, sir.

Ben : But I was only doing 35 !

Policeman: There's a 30 miles an hour speed limit on tiffs road, sir.

Ben : Is there? I didn't see the sign...

Policeman: Well, sir. We've been following you.

Ben : So you were doing 35, too.

Policeman: No, sir. We were doing 60 miles an hour. Otherwise we couldn't catch you.


A.in a car park

B.in the middle of a highway

C.near a police station

D.by the roadside



听力原文: In many businesses, computers have largely replaced paperwork, because they are
fast and do not make mistakes. Many banks put advertisements in the newspaper showing that their business deals are "untouched by human hands" and therefore safe from human temptation. Obviously, computers have no reason to steal money. But the growing number of computer crimes shows they can be used to steal. Computer criminals don't use guns. And even if they are caught, it is hard to punish them because there are no witnesses and often no evidences. A computer cannot remember who used it; it simply does what it is told. One clerk at a New York City bank used a computer to steal more than one and a half million dollars in just four years. No one noticed this because he moved money from one account to another. Each time a customer he had robbed questioned the balance in his account, the clerk claimed a computer error, then replaced the missing money from someone else's account. This clerk was caught only because he was gambling. When the police broke up an illegal gambling operation, his name was put in the records. Most computer criminals have been minor employees. But police wonder if this is true. As one official say, "I have a feeling that there is more crime out there than we are catching. What we are seeing now is all so poorly done. I wonder what the real experts are doing--the ones who really know how a computer works."


A.Computers are fast.

B.Computers do not often provide evidences or witnesses.

C.Computers can replace paperwork.

D.Computers are safe from human temptation.



Mrs. Grey lived in the country, but she worked in London. She drove to the railway station
in her car every morning, and left it in the station car park until she arrived back on the train in the evening. She was a careful driver, but one morning she was rather late, so she was going faster than usual when she had an accident in a narrow road not far from her home.

What happened was that another car was coming in the opposite direction, and either that one or Mrs. Grey's car was too far in the middle of the road, or perhaps both of them were. They ran into each other and were both damaged, although not enough to stop them from driving.

Both Mrs. Grey and the other driver, who was a young man whom she had seen in the district but had not met, got out of their cars, and Mrs. Grey said, "I'm afraid I haven't got time to waste on an accident this morning, as I have a very important appointment in town at nine, and I suppose you're a busy man too." .

"Yes, I am," the young man said, "but we'll have to c. all the police for insurance purposes, won't we? They won't pay for the damage unless we have reported the accident to the police and they have come and seen what happened."

"Yes, certainly," Mrs. Grey answered, "but I have something to suggest. We won't be committing a crime if we go away now in our cars, and then come back to the scene of the accident, say, at six this evening, and put them in exactly the same positions as they are in now. Then we can call the police. They won't know what time the accident happened, and the insurance companies won't care either as long as we can send them a police report of the accident. " " What a good idea !" the young man said happily. "So I'll be waiting here at six o'clock this evening. I won't be late!" "Nor will I," Mrs. Grey answered. She and the young man exchanged visiting cards, and then each drove off to their work.

When Mrs. Grey arrived at the station from London at a quarter to six that evening, she got into her car, drove to the place where the accident had happened, and found the young man waiting there in his car. They put both cars in exactly the same positions as they had been in after the accident, and then Mrs. Grey called the police, using the telephone in her car, as if the accident had just happened.

The most suitable title for this passage is______.

A.A Late Car Accident

B.A Funny Car Accident

C.A Bad Car Accident

D.A Lucky Car Accident



听力原文:Police Officer: Hello. 24th Precinct. Officer Jones speaking.Man: Help. Yeah,uh,i

听力原文:Police Officer: Hello. 24th Precinct. Officer Jones speaking.

Man: Help. Yeah,uh,it was wild,I mean really bizarre.

Police Officer: Calm down sir!Now,what do you want to report?

Man: Well,I'd like to report a UFO sighting.

Police Officer: A what?

Man;What do you mean“what”?An unidentified flying object!

Police Officer: Wait,tell me exactly what you saw.

Man: Well,I was driving home from a party about three hours ago,so it was about 2:00 AM,when I saw this bright light overhead.

Police Officer: Okay. And then what happened?

Man: Oh,man. Well,it was out of this world. I stopped to watch the light when it disappeared behind a hill about a kilometer ahead of me.

Police Officer: Alright. Then what?

Man: Well,I got back in my car and I started driving toward where the UFO landed.

Police Officer: Now,how do you know it was a UFO?Perhaps you only saw the lights of an airplane,or the headlights of an approaching car. Things like that happen. you know.

Man: Well if it was that,how do you explain“the BEAST”?

Police Officer: What do you mean,“the BEAST”?

Man: Okay. I kept driving for about five minutes when all of a sudden,this giant,hairy creature jumped out in front of my car.

Police Officer: Oh,yeah. Then what?

Man: Well,then,the beast picked up the front of my car and said,“Get out of the car. I'm taking you to my master!”Something like that.

Police Officer: Wow?A hairy alien who can speak English!Come on!

Man: I'm not making this up,if that's what you're suggesting. Then,when I didn't get out of the car,the beast opened the car door,carried me on his shoulders to this round-shaped flying saucer,and well,that's when I woke up along side the road. The beast must have knocked me out and left me there.

Police Officer: Well,that's the best story I've heard all night,sir. Now,have you been taking any medication,drugs,or alcohol in the last 24 hours?You mentioned you went to a party.

Man: What?Well,I did have a few beers,but I'm telling the truth.

Police Officer: Okay,okay. We have a great therapist that deals with THESE kinds of cases.

Man: I'm not crazy.

Police Officer: Well,we'll look into your story. Thank you.


A.about 12:00 AM

B.about 3:00 AM

C.about 5:00 AM

D.about 24:00



听力原文:W: Welcome to our programme, Mr Smith. M: Thank you. W: Mr Smith, how long have
you been a police officer? M: Ive been a police officer for thirty years. W: Thirty years. And youve had different types of assignments on the police force, I guess. M: Yeah, Ive done everything from patrol to undercover work to detective work, and now Im supervising investigations. W: Mr Smith, I think most people would say that being a police officer is a very stressful job. Would you agree? M: Yes, its definitely a stressful job. But it depends on your assignment. W: So, whats probably the most stressful job you can have? M: Id say patrol is the most stressful assignment. W: Thats interesting! In what way? M: Well, I guess the biggest part of the stress is the fear factor, the fear of the unknown. W: What do you mean, Mr Smith? M: Well, in patrol work, you dont know from moment to moment who you are talking to or what their reaction is going to be to justify your presence. Lets say, for example, a patrol officer stops someone for a traffic violation. It seems as though that would be a very low-stress situation. W: Yes, it is a very low-stress situation. M: But the truth is, there are more police officers injured during a routine stop. W: Really? M: Really! Thats why all police officers are taught from the very beginning to be aware of their surroundings: people back over policemen, people shoot policemen, people jump out at policemen — different kinds of things. So thats probably the most stressful time. W: I see. Lets take a break and then well move on to our next topic. M: All right. Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. Whats the relationship between the two speakers? 10. What do we know about Mr Smith from the conversation? 11. What assignment does Mr Smith believe is the most stressful? 12. Why are all police officers taught to be aware of their surroundings from the very beginning?10.

A.He is a good supervisor.

B.He is an experienced police officer.

C.He doesn"t like his present job.

D.He enjoys doing the patrol work.

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