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A federal law requires that, by 1975, new cars should be equipped with devices to remove _


更多“A federal law requires that, by 1975, new cars should be equipped with devices to remove _”相关的问题


The governor' s refusal to apply the law brought him into () with the federal gove







Two years ago there was a suggested law saying that the federal government should give som
e money for ___________.



According to the article, some have criticized the changes because they.A.ignore local and

According to the article, some have criticized the changes because they.

A.ignore local and state taxes

B.were not discussed in public

C.are not in accordance with federal law

D.leave many families unable to pay for college



According to the article, some have criticized the changes because they ______.A.ignore lo

According to the article, some have criticized the changes because they ______.

A.ignore local and state taxes

B.were not discussed in public

C.are not in accordance with federal law

D.leave many families unable to pay for college



Privacy standards made by individual states are ineffective because______.A.the standards

Privacy standards made by individual states are ineffective because______.

A.the standards of different states contradict each other

B.online communication is not restricted to any state

C.these standards ignore the federal law on the matter

D.these standards are only applicable to regional web sites



听力原文:Teams of teachers and school administrators from at least fourteen American citie

听力原文: Teams of teachers and school administrators from at least fourteen American cities are at a conference in Washington. The American Federation of Teachers, a labor union, holds the Quest conference every two years.

This year, one of the subjects is a tutoring program that provides extra help to students in Rochester, New York. The Rochester City School District was one of five in the nation recognized by the Bush administration for their tutoring programs. Tutoring is big business in the United States these days. There are private learning centers where parents can take their children after school. Test preparation companies are also doing well. One reason for all this tutoring is the growing competition for places at top universities. Another influence is the Bush administration’s federal education law, called No Child Left Behind. The law requires services like free tutoring for poor students at schools that fail to meet educational goals for three years. There is federal money to pay the tutors. But the No Child Left Behind law does not say who must do the tutoring. It can be a private company or local teachers. The law does say, however, that the provider must have shown a record of effectiveness in helping students learn. In Rochester, the tutoring is provided by a teachers union, the Rochester Teachers’ Association. The program began in the spring of 2003 with 47 students and 15 tutors.


A.The Washington Federation of Teachers.

B.The National Labor Union.

C.The American Federation of Teachers.

D.The Washington Labor Union.



听力原文:Ensuring the safety of passengers and aircraft is a major concern at airports. Se

听力原文: Ensuring the safety of passengers and aircraft is a major concern at airports. Security personnel operate metal detectors and X-ray machines that screen baggage for possible weapons or illegal substances. Security personnel also require that each passenger show photo identification before entering an aircraft. Many areas of an airport, especially those areas that contain critical equipment, are protected by security personnel and are off-limits to the public.

In the wake of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the United States, airport security became the responsibility of the federal government. The United States Congress enacted the Aviation and Transportation Security Act in response to the attacks, which bad exposed a number of weaknesses in airport and airline security. The new law expanded the number of baggage screeners, imposed standards for their training, and made them federal employees for a period of time. Beginning in January 2002, it required that all passenger luggage, including checked luggage, be screened. By the end of 2002, all checked luggage was to he put through special explosives-detecting devices. The law increased the number of armed federal air officials flying on domestic flights and required international airlines to turn over advance copies of their passenger lists to U.S. Customs officials for background checks to screen out suspected terrorists.


A.Operate metal detectors.

B.Require each passenger to show photo identification.

C.Make a body search by hand.

D.Operate X-ray machines to screen baggage.



听力原文:Top officials in city, state and the federal governments are elected to office by

听力原文: Top officials in city, state and the federal governments are elected to office by the people. They run for office every two or four years and elections are held in the first week of November. People who run for elections are called politicians. Many of them are lawyers. Successful politicians are often famous and important people in their communities. Young lawyers who are interested in politics, often join political clubs when they graduate from law schools. As club members, they help older politicians get elected. (33)The real purpose is when they have had enough experience and support, they run for office themselves. Before elections, political candidates always have a tight schedule. They have frequent meetings with their supporters and discuss details about their elections. (34)But most of their time is spent on campaigning, shaking hands and making speeches to the public. There are different groups of voters that politicians try to win support from. Most large cities have black and Spanish speaking communities who elect powerful politicians. Some politicians appeal to businessmen while other appeal to laborers. Many politicians run for office by taking sides on important issues, such as balancing government budget. Getting equal rights for women, fighting corruption and creating job opportunities. (35)Once politicians win elections, their futures depend on how well they do their jobs and how well the people hear of the work they are doing.


A.To help older politicians get elected.

B.To practice their law knowledge.

C.To prepare for their own future elections.

D.To find a job in the political club.



听力原文: In an attempt to resist the rising cost of fuel and fight the pollution choki
ng our cities, many outgoing students have taken to riding bicycles to school. The unfortunate result of this otherwise positive trend is the traffic problems caused by bicycles having to share the same road with cars. Unfortunately, traffic accidents involving bicycles are on the increase throughout the country, so this new solution has led to a dilemma. To solve this dilemma, special bike paths have been created on most roads leading to and from college campuses. It is essential that cyclists stay on those paths. It is necessary for the safety of those of you who ride bicycles as well as the motorists that you share the road with. Obviously, it may be inconvenient to ride in the bike paths at times, but we must insist on it. To enforce the necessity of staying on the paths, there are fines for bicyclists who ride down the middle of the street. The federal fines are currently running at $25 for a first-time violation, but if the law is continually violated, the fines will increase by different amounts depending on your local orders. The money that is collected from the fines will go towards a fund to help build better bike paths. You may have special bicycle bridges in your neighborhood right now. If not, you can count on seeing them in the future. We are committed to making bicycling a safe alternative to using cars and we appreciate your help in making that goal a reality. Questions 16 to 19 are based on the passage you have just heard. 16. What is the newest problem facing people who ride to school? 17. What is the basis for the law that doesnt allow bicyclists in the middle of the street? 18. How will the money from the fines be used? 19. What can we learn about bicycles from the passage?16.

A.The law of the road.

B.International law.

C.Federal law.

D.Local law.



听力原文: Top officials in city, state and the federal governments are elected to office b
y the people. They run for office every two or four years and elections are held in the first week of November. People who run for elections are called politicians. Many of them are lawyers. Successful politicians arc often famous and important people in their communities. Young lawyers who are interested in politics, often join political clubs when they graduate from law schools. As club members, they help older politicians get elected. The real purpose is when they have had enough experience and support, they run for office themselves. Before elections, political candidates always have a tight schedule. They have frequent meetings with their supporters and discuss details about their elections. But most of their time is spent on campaigning, shaking hands and making speeches to the public. There are different groups of voters that politicians try to win support from. Most large cities have black and Spanish speaking communities who elect powerful politicians. Some politicians appeal to businessmen while other appeal to laborers. Many politicians run for office by taking sides on important issues, such as balancing government budget. Getting equal rights for women, fighting corruption and creating job opportunities. Once politicians win elections, their futures depend on how well they do their jobs and how well the people hear of the work they are doing.


A.To help older politicians get elected.

B.To practice their law knowledge,

C.To prepare for their own future elections.

D.To find a job in the political club.

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