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In comparison with money spent on disease prevention, disease treatment costs ______.

更多“In comparison with money spent on disease prevention, disease treatment costs ______.”相关的问题


听力原文:W: Mark really needs to see this article in Psychology Weekly.M: Why? What's it o

听力原文:W: Mark really needs to see this article in Psychology Weekly.

M: Why? What's it on?

W: Reasons for negative behavior. patterns—like procrastination, habitual lateness...

M: You're right. That's Mark. He's never on time. So what does it say?

W: That people who are always late often do it for a reason--either conscious or unconscious. It could be an expression of anger and resentment—or a way of resisting authority. It could even be anxiety.

M: Well, I don't know. In Mark's case, I think it's because he wants to be noticed.

W: That's the next reason in the article—the need for attention. They give the example of movie stars who used to make these grand entrances.

M: That's not really Mark's style. though—he's so quiet.

W: What gets me is that he's late for his friends all the time—but not for other things, like work.

M: Well... but they might deduct pay for that.

W: Exactly. You know, sometimes I'm tempted to tell him to come at, say, seven, and everybody else at 7.15. Then maybe we wouldn't have to wait so long.

M: We have to try something. You know, he confessed to me one day that he was even late for his sister's wedding. She was really angry.

W: I remember that. He was in the wedding--so they couldn't start until he got there.

M: Maybe you should slip that magazine under his door anonymously. And hope he gets the message.


A.A comparison of unconscious behavior. patterns.

B.Recent trends in psychology.

C.Reasons for certain behavior. problems.

D.Causes of anxiety.



听力原文:W: Dr Manning, do you have a few minutes? I'd like to ask you about this fossil I

M: Sure. What have you got there?

W: Well, it's some kind of shellfish. I thought it might be a brachiopod, but I am not sure. I found it when I went out hiking last weekend.

M: I think you might be right. It certainly appears to be a brachiopod. But it's easy to confuse them with the bivalve mollusks. Superficially they resemble one another. Both have two shells for example.

W: How can you tell them apart then?

M: Well, there are some minor differences in the shell. A lot of brachiopods have ridge shells like this one. There are other distinctions of course. Internally they are quite different. Mollusks and brachiopods belong to different animal groups, and they had been in competition with one another millions of years ago.

W: How old do you think this one is?

M: Ifs hard to tell. The earliest brachiopods were from the Paleozoic era, 300 to 500 million years ago. They were quite successful then in terms of the number of species. It's not out of the question that your fossil could be that old.

W: Wow, that's amazing. It makes paleontology' seem more interesting when you can hold it in your hand.

M: You know, that gives me an idea. Would you mind bringing this to our next class? The others might find it interesting too.

W: Well, I could. But if you don't already have one in your collection, I thought you might as well keep it.

M: That's very kind of you.


A.Ways to determine the age of a fossil.

B.The identity of a fossil the woman found.

C.A comparison of two shellfish fossils.

D.Plans for a field trip to look for fossils.



In _________ to the hot days, the nights are bitterly cold.







听力原文:W: Welcome to our programme, John.M: Thank you.W: You have been playing basketbal

听力原文:W: Welcome to our programme, John.

M: Thank you.

W: You have been playing basketball in the U.S.A. for quite a few years. Have you [alculated how much money you've made?

M: No. Seriously speaking, I haven't done that.

W: It must be a very large mount. Everybody knows that. What significance does it have for you?

M: At the beginning, I was a little bit excited. But after that, I didn't feel anything special.

W: Why were you excited?

M: It was a big change for me, a huge increase in my income.

W: Can you make a comparison?

M: At least I can say ! have much more money than I used to. I had a dream when I was a small child that I would buy a lot of toys and a lot of delicious food when I had money. But when I had money

finally, I suddenly lost all the interest in these things. I just thought how childish my thoughts had been.

W: Childish? Really?

M: Yeah. However, it was those childish thoughts that gave me the drive to study hard as a student and to train hard as an athlete.

W: Which do you like better, the way you are now or the way you used to be?

M: Well, whenever people ask me what film or music I like, I find they are hard questions because it depends on the mood I'm in. When I'm happy, sad films aren't good choices.

W: Do you mean it depends on your mood?

M: Don't you think so? When you feel something is the most important thing in your life, then it becomes the most important thing-- the best thing in your life.

W: I see. Let's take a break and then we'll move on to our next topic.

M: OK.


A.An American baseball player in New York.

B.A foreign basketball player in the U.S.A.

C.A foreign baseball player in the U.S.A.

D.An American basketball player in Spain.



【C10】A.ThereforeB.UnfortunatelyC.In a wordD.In comparison




C.In a word

D.In comparison



Please make a detailed comparison of cut-to-length vs tree length method.


Which of the following comparison is correct? A.Thermal conductivity: metal < plastics B.Thermal e

Which of the following comparison is correct?

A.Thermal conductivity: metal < plastics

B.Thermal expansion: metal > plastics

C.Density: metal > plastics

D.None of the above



______is the synchronic comparison of two languages.A. Multilingual linguisticsB. Conve

______is the synchronic comparison of two languages.

A. Multilingual linguistics

B. Conversation linguistics

C. Discourse linguistics

D. Contrastive linguistics



Metaphor is a figure of speech containing an implied comparison based on association of


A comparison of your offer ______ that of our regular suppliers shows that their prices are more fav
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